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The Capulets and the Montagues. A tragic yet not-so-typical rivalry. We're talking about a time where everyone knew about the feud between these rich families who lived in castles.

In the Capulet household, we have Capulet, the patriarch of the house. Lady Capulet, the matriarch. Then, we have Eldon Tybalt Capulet, nephew of the matriarch, and Riley Rosaline, niece of Capulet and current love interest of Daniel Romeo Montague. Peter, Sampson and Gregory were the servants. An honoured position, even if it meant cleaning up Lady Capulet's left over food, because you get to live in the castle. Finally, we have Michelle Juliet Capulet, let's not forget her personal nurse and assistant, always there for Michelle (or Juliet) since her birth. Michelle Juliet was the youngest of the Capulets, but she was beautiful to say the least. So innocent, and was protected very well by her parents. She truly was perfection.

The Montague household contained Montague as the patriarch, and Lady Montague as the matriarch, very similar to the Capulets. Abram and Balthasar were the servants in this castle. Of course, we have the charm Daniel Romeo Montague. A very handsome, noble young man. Don't forget James Benvolio, also Romeo's cousin and/or best friend.

The whole city is ruled by Prince Escalus, who lives in his own castle. Count Hunter Paris was one of Escalus' kingsmen and is supposed to marry Juliet. Another kingsmen of Escalus' was Mercutio, also a friend of Romeo's.

Now what happens when a certain handsome Montague falls for a sweet Capulet, even with their conflicting families still at feud?


Hey guys! It's Nikki, as some of you may obviously know, and this is going to be my new fan fiction. Yes I'm still writing Undercover, and I can't wait to get back into writing it! So it'll be a little rough juggling two fan fictions, but I'll try my best to be as active as possible. Also, I apologize from advance for any small typos, or grammar errors, I'm not perfect at writing so please just read past them! So I'm sorry this was short, but it's only to situate you guys a little in the story. And during this story, the characters will be using both names that they have, whether it's their middle names or their first names. (Ex.: Daniel Romeo will go by Daniel sometimes and Romeo other times.) Also, I won't be talking or writing the characters to talk like Shakespeare did, simply because I don't have that talent and I didn't memorize the script of the play! So the characters will be talking like we do everyday.

And I also want to say one more thing. Those who follow me on Instagram know that there were complications with this fan fiction. I had this idea in mind and I posted about it, and several minutes after another account posted my same idea. That account decided to make a fan fiction, clearly after I said I was. But you know what? I can say this fan fiction is the original one, and the other one is an imposter. So if you see the other Romeo and Juliet story, just keep in mind that it isn't the original. Thank you all for your endless support, can't wait to keep writing. <3

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