Chapter 3

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After the ball, Michelle headed back home, yet Daniel didn't. He stayed on the Capulet 'side' of Verona. He was determined to go see Juliet at her estate, after her nurse took her away from him.

Juliet was on her balcony, gazing at the stars on this cool evening. Dressed in her flowy nightgown, she was talking to herself, it was no secret. Trying to convince herself that her love for Romeo wasn't so strong. But she failed. She was speaking aloud, but talking gently about Romeo. How she would love for him to save her, and how it would be amazing if they just ran away together.

Daniel, had "stumbled" upon the Capulet household, and had entered the premises from the back, where he was surrounded by precisely-cut, square bushes. It was the Capulet garden, and it was exquisite to say the least. His night lit up when he saw Michelle standing on the lit up balcony. All of a sudden, she looks down at him.

"Romeo, what are you doing here?" Says Juliet.

"I am here to see you, lovely Capulet." Daniel replies. Without a single word after that, he decides to climb up to the balcony. Determined, he climbs up a thick branch, with foliage all around it.

"You realize your on Capulet ground, Romeo?" Michelle has a worried expression upon her face.

"I am very aware of that, Juliet." Daniel says just as he swings his leg over the stone fence.

Without a word, they just stare at each other's eyes. They both lean into each other and naturally just press their lips together. The kiss lasted around three seconds until they were interrupted by Michelle's nurse, searching for her.

So Juliet went and dismissed her nurse, and told her that she'll be in bed in five. She then returned back to Romeo.

"I had fun at the ball." He said.

"So did I, even if it was a Capulet ball and we had a few trespassers." She nudges him, jokingly, obviously referring to him and he smiles.

They seal the night off with another kiss as they both split their ways. Juliet goes back to her room as her nurse rushes her into bed, and Romeo spends a lonely night walking back home. Juliet in bed, and Romeo on the streets of Verona, they both just pondered over the situation they were in, and how in love they were.


Hey guys... So I know what you guys are thinking. How short of a chapter, right? I know. I apologize. But I had to publish this. And honestly, this is like the classic balcony scene and I didn't elaborate it more. I apologize. Hopefully next chapter will be more eventful and more entertaining for you guys. But let me know if you guys are still enjoying this or not. I hope so at least. I also published Chapter 4 of Undercover, another fan fiction I'm writing so feel free to check that out. Anyways, I'll be back next weekend to publish again, thanks for your guys' support! <3

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