Chapter Two

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Fake Enna

The soft boutique chair rises unsteadily as the young beautician repeatedly pumps a lever at the bottom with his foot. He has a shocking mess of violet hair--all styled to one side of his head--and wears a confusing array of clothes: tight, white pants; a dark green, tassled dress shirt; and black snow boots. To each his own.
Jeremy had sent me to live in one of the posh apartments on the fourth floor, just like the one Enna Price and her friends had inhabited for a short period of time. It was just as I stepped into the lobby that I had been stopped short by a dark memory, rising into my consciousness at the sight of the bright white tiles covering the floor. The young boy: Josh. It had been difficult trying to persuade Jeremy that I was simply stunned by the beauty of my new accommodations.
"I will make you look regal," the young man says, dark eyes lighting up eagerly. He blows on the strands of my straight, brown hair and screws up his face distastefully. "Off with this bland nest!"
I stare into my green eyes, reflected back at me from the bathroom mirror, and force away the twinge of disdain that had risen in my throat at the beautician's comment. Reminding myself to remain calm, I watch in muted wonder as my chestnut-colored hair falls to the ground, trimmed expertly so that it stays long in the front and gradually grows shorter towards the back.
"It's amazing," I find myself saying. The stylist smiles, dimples deepening his cheeks. I notice, quite numbly, that he is attractive for a person with purple hair.
"Well, we want to give the people what they want, don't we?"
And then my enthusiasm deflates as reality sinks in. The purpose of my "rehabilitation" is to prove to the Hidden Allies (and to the general public) that I had completely changed as a person. "New beliefs, new look, new regime" is what Jeremy had told me.
"Yes. Of course." I quiet my mind and watch as my face transforms before my eyes. The man slowly dyes my hair a dark shade of black, highlighting piercing white strands. He proceeds to take out various kinds of makeup, applying them to my features artfully. After about an hour of tweaking, pinching, and styling, a stranger replaces my old reflection. I wiggle my eyebrow, and so does the person in the mirror. I smile widely, and so does the strange girl.
"So... What do you think?" I turn to the stylist, speechless. My eyes are so much more bright and visible, my cheekbones more pronounced, my lips a startling red.
"I..." Before I can finish a complete thought, the door flies open and Jeremy enters the spacious bathroom, joining the beautician behind the mirror. I jump a little, startled by his presence.
"My dear boy, you have done it!" Jeremy claps the artist on the shoulder, and I notice the looks of genuine relief that wash over both of their faces. "There's not a moment to delay: the people are waiting."
Yes; the people this, the people that... I slide off of the tall chair and turn to the young man, holding out a hand in what I hope to be a regal gesture. He takes it and kisses it.
"Thank you... What do I call you?"
"Drake, Ms. Price. I'm honored to assist you." As he bows, Jeremy leads me into the lobby of my home. Every passing moment here helps me to realize that I am, in fact, the most important person on this Base. Not only have I been created to perfectly lead an entire monster army, but I get the privilege of being the face of the state in all Regions. The face of the people.
Yet one thing still puzzles me. Why was I chosen to receive this honor, of all of the other worthy candidates? Why did the Master place his bets on Enna Price?
"We're about to go to your office, where you will find your uniform." Jeremy leans casually against the wall, medals and talismans gleaming against the dark fabric of his vest.
"Oh, right. I meant the office that is supposedly yours. The one you broadcast from."
"Okay," I mutter, thinking furiously.
"Ms. Price, what seems to be the matter?" I shake my head.
"It's not important."
"Of course it is, Ms. Price!"
"Well... I was wondering why you chose me of all people..." Jeremy claps his hands together and smiles the largest I've seen yet.
"I was waiting for you to ask that question, Enna!" He folds his arms over his chest and leans in conspiratorially. "You probably have no knowledge of this, but when you ran away from your Graduation Ceremony you became the most interesting person in the country. People see you as a public figure, someone to look up to and even aspire towards. No one else in the country holds that power. When they see you on their televisions, surely they will do everything you say. That's why we need you."
And then he turns to exit the apartment, leaving me--shocked into silence--in the lobby.

* * *


I sink onto the bed, joints aching with exhaustion. Only the lamps on each side of the room provide any artificial light. A full moon glares through the wide window like a giant eyeball, illuminating everything it touches.
"I can't believe I'm saying this," Matthew starts, exiting the bathroom,"but those RoboChefs cook better food than we had at the Depot." I find myself nodding miserably, stomach too full to bear with our extravagant supper and dessert.
The mattress bounces as Matthew plops onto the bed, letting out a burdened breath. We lie in silence for several minutes, and I stare out of the window, marveling at the bright stars hovering far above in the night sky. It was only until recently that I realized they had existed and weren't just a part of ancient folklore. It was also up until recently that I believed humanoid reptiles to be nonexistent. I guess the world isn't as monotonous as I thought it was.
"What're you thinking about?" Matthew whispers, bright eyes sparkling with the reflection of the moon. I recall our first kiss, remembering the hard pressure of the tree bark under my legs and the thrill of excitement as he admitted his feelings for me. The world used to be so... dazzling before reality messed everything up. One really bad day at the Depot equates the best one in the Base. Things have changed.
"The way things used to be," I reply, trying and failing to smile. Matthew glances at me thoughtfully. He's changed too, I find myself thinking. The downward turn of his lips stands out much more prominently. So does the constant worry behind his gaze. I raise my hand and slowly begin to trace the curves of his face. His fingers rise to lock with my own and we stare at each other, quite sadly, for many moments. An unspoken sentiment passes between us, vibrating in the air. Then I crawl over to Matthew's side of the bed and lie still, relishing the feel of his arms around me, his chest firmly against my back.
It's a long time before either of us can truly fall asleep. When sleep finally calls me, dismal thoughts and dark memories play through my consciousness, each more outrageous than the last. Then I think about the Voice, and how it had somehow led me to where I am now. If something out there is guiding me, then it's not my fault these things have happened... right? Right!?
Just as I feel warmth overcome me and I'm about to enter the world of dreams, I hear a frantic thudding at the front of the room. What the--? Before I can make any effort to get up, the door flies open and Gale stands, silhouetted, in the doorway. I can't see her face but the utter fear in her voice says it all.
"You won't believe this: we've just reached the ocean!"

Unplugged: The Beautiful World (#3, Unplugged Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now