The Black Sheep

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How do you fit in when you are the black sheep that stands out in a flock of whites?

You don't.

There is no amount of make up, strict diets that could turn you anorexic or plastic surgery (not that I even agreed to do so) would let you fit in a flock where everyone is either the prodigal son or daughter, except you.

Hence here I am, standing in the living room with my arms crossed and close to breaking in sobs. My family standing against me, ridiculing me and all that.

And I always thought family are the only people who'd accept you for who you are? Unfortunately, mine were an exception.

"You're already 20 Casey, what are you doing with your life? Why can't you be like Beth? Look at her!" My father pointed to my sister who sat beautifully and in all her perfection who was most likely texting her buddies or Aleksander.

The girl who finished high school and instantly followed her desired career, to walk down the runway wearing all those labeled clothing and praised by the audience for her beauty, she rose to fame just like my mother.

"Or atleast like Andrew!" He turned his attention to my brother whose movie is currently playing on the plasma screen in the living room.

My brother who is a prime actor in Hollywood, the guy who had barely any time to even visit the family during holidays, but of course they don't mind. He was making millions with just showing his face and armpit on a deodorant ad.

"What is your plan with your God forsaken life?!" He growled and my mother just slowly walked towards him, patting his chest in a soft and calming manner. She hasn't spoken a word at all, she just watched the same way I was.

I stood still, not moving an inch - no emotion showing on my face, arms crossed slowly wrapping itself around me.

"You're doing nothing but wasting precious air that we are breathing, you are the greatest mistake we ever made!" he huffed, smoothing the lapels of his suit he walked away - looking out the cieling to floor window, he glared at my reflection against the glass.

His words stung like that slap my mother once landed on my face when she found out I had a part-time job after classes.

"As unplanned as you were, hell I told your mother before to abort you but no! She didn't want to commit a sin, but just you living is a sin itself!" He bellowed louder and it took all in me to not break infront of this bastard I call a father, so I just bit my cheeks in.

Suck it up Cassandra.. you're used to this. You heard more hurtful words than this. I chanted in my head as I started to look down.

"We should've already abandoned you in some orphanage or some shithole but we didn't want anyone knowing we had someone resembling quasimodo for a daughter" he looked at me in disgust and just with the mention of quasimodo my sister laughed uncontrollably, my mother sent her a look that made her cover her mouth and chuckle.

"Since you're already old enough to fend for yourself, pack your bags and get out of my house. I don't need a daughter like you.. From now on you're disowned." My fath- Hank spoke with finality and thats when I let one lone tear escape from my eyes.

"I see.. Well its not like I needed a family of scumbags." I snapped back and that caused all three of them looked taken aback, Beth stopped typing away on her phone - she was looking at me with surprise just like how mom and Hank was.

"Do you think I need you? I may have used to but growing up the way I did - I knew I had to fend for myself and that one of these days, I'd have to get out of this shithole I call a home - its not home, its where monsters like who live - you call yourself a father? A poor excuse of a father thats what! And you!" I pointed a finger at my Mother who still stood there in surprise, she jumped a little when my attention shifted to her.

"You're just like him.. you both aren't fit to be parents - you just look at Beth and Andrew as Money making slaves that you pamper with just to make sure they keep producing good money. Now because I do not fit your standards, you just want to discard me like trash." I grimaced, my hands turning to fists, my nails digging in the skin of my palm.

"One of these days.. I'll make you regret this." I glared at them, raising my head I walked out of that living room with my head held high. I went up the stairs two at a time, the family butler smiled at me and bowed.

"Finally free are you?" Ian asked and I just nodded, he trailed behind me and helped me pack my drab duffle bag, packing my laptop that I saved up and bought for myself and of course the extra cash that I earned from working shifts and over time in diners and stores.

"I wish you well Ms. Casey" he hugged me tight and I did so back, I let all my sobs break out and soak his suit, mumbling my thanks over and over again.

Ian was more of a family than mine ever was - he came here in his early 20's when I was 8. He looked after me like a mother, taught me things a father would, protected me like a brother would and most importantly, listened to my dramatics like a sister usually would. (Ocassionally he'd braid my hair and paint my nails)

I smiled at him and walked out of my room that held nothing but a bed and all that was needed in a room, there were no picture frames or posters, just plain and simple.

As I passed by the living room they were still there, so I did what I wanted to do for a long time now.

I flipped them off with my middle finger.

"Fúck you sonofabitches!!" I smiled and walked out of there, the rain poured so hard that I didn't care if I got soaked, the paved driveway was so far from the gate it took me a good while to get there.

I was finally free!

I asked for the guard to open the gates, he let me out uncertain if he should or shouldn't. As he saw I brought no harm, he offered to call me a cab but I declined.

So in return he gave me an umbrella, I smiled in gratitude that this man was helping a stranger.

I took one last look at the place I once called home and promised I would come back and make them fall on their knees, as they asked for my forgiveness.

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