ten - disastrous date

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Chapter Ten

I fixed the collar of my blouse feeling more than a little nervous. When I was in a state like this I often fidgeted a lot and today was no exception as I stood before my full length mirror, attempting in vain to straighten out the creases in my clothing.

I knew it was ludicrous; to be so conscious of my outfit even though I wasn't interested in the boy I was seeing tonight. However, this was my first date. Whether I was interested in Beckett or not, I felt it necessary to look my best. After all, the chances of ever having another date with anybody were slim to none.

Letting out a shaky breath, I stared at my reflection. I'd chosen to wear a loose fitting, sheer white blouse which was tucked into my high waisted denim shorts. My tights had seen better days what with the ladder that ran down the entire length of my right leg and I couldn't say my feet were an improvement, clad in a pair of grubby, mud stained sneakers.

So it wasn't a great look but considering my usual attire was a tattered sweater and my comfortable skinny jeans then I reckoned it was a pretty good attempt. Not to mention my normally straight hair framed my face in ringlets. Beckett should consider himself lucky seeing as I was wasting the precious hours I would have otherwise devoted to Teen Wolf to fancying myself up for him instead.

Deciding that scrutinising myself in the mirror wasn't helping (only increasing my nerves for what the night might entail and regret for getting myself wound up in this situation in the first place), I made my way to the living room and plopped myself down next to my mum on the couch. She was flicking through the channels on our television, settling for a wildlife documentary.

"So who's the boy?" She said after a few painfully awkward minutes of watching animals mate. I'd never understood why people did that; filmed animals doing the deed with one another. There wasn't documentaries about humans doing it with a monotonous commentator explaining the ins and outs (pardon the pun), so why was it acceptable for our furry friends not to have any privacy in the bedroom department?


"I haven't seen you out of your jeans for an eternity, sweetheart," She said with a soft smile but I couldn't focus on our conversation or her positivity over the situation. Not with the distracting sound of monkeys making babies filling the room. "You're continuously glancing at the clock and your legs are as jumpy as a puppet on a string. Who's the boy?"

"Maybe it's because we're watching this. Mum can you just change the channel already, I'd rather eat my own liver than watch anymore." I groaned, gesturing toward the television. It was nature, I got it, but watching it with your mum was something entirely different.

"As long as this young man isn't anything like Preston and Aaron-"

"Parker and Axel." I corrected.

"-then I'll have no problem with him," She continued as if I hadn't interrupted. "The last thing I want is for you to be hanging out with delinquents and for them to tarnish your-"

The shrill ring of the doorbell thankfully cut her tangent short and I snatched my phone from the table before rushing to greet Beckett. I was overcome with a peculiar mix of dread and excitement as my eyes skimmed over his profile. He was wearing his usual outfit consisting of a red plaid shirt and what Parker liked to call his "stupid khaki pants". His hair had more product on it than usual and the profound smell of his cologne almost made me choke - he surely had enough on for two people.

"You're looking rather stunning tonight," Beckett drawled as charming as ever. I bit back the snarky reply I wanted to throw his way. I'd told myself earlier that seeing as I'd gotten myself into this mess and there was no escaping it, I'd just try to ignore Beckett's irritating ways and attempt to enjoy my night (and take slight joy in the knowledge that I'd be irritating Parker in the process). "As per usual of course."

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