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I opened the door, which was unlocked. Weird. I set down the groceries that my sister sent me about a half hour ago.

"Emma! I'm back!" No reply.

"Emma?" Silence.

"Emma! Emma!" I shouted. She has to be here. She should be studying for finals. She shouldn't be out of the apartment. I looked around frantically in our apartment.

"Stop playing games, Emma!" I heard the wind blow from her bedroom window.

Her window was open. It wasn't open before.

There stood a porcelain doll identical to her.

I ran to the window and grabbed the doll. The doll had all the same marks as she did. A scrolled paper was placed in a ribbon that was tied around the doll. I took the paper from the doll and read it.

Dear Lily,

She's my doll now.

I stood in horror as a realization hit me. Tears going down my face. She's captive to someone that knows Emma and me. I grabbed the paper, doll, and my keys before I ran to my car.

I immediately went to our parents house that was 45 minutes away from where we live. I hate to break it to them, but they need to know.

As I was driving, I was thinking why would she be missing? She's that girl that helps everyone and is kind. But, why her?

I pulled up into the driveway and saw the lights are on in the living room. I took a deep breath and went out.

With every step I took, my heart beat faster. I was shaking uncontrollably as I reached the door. I rang the doorbell and my mother answered with a bright smile, but it faded as she saw me shaking.

"What is it, Lily?" She got me inside and I sat down. My dad entered.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Well Lily was outside shaking," my mother answered,"But I do not have an idea."

"Lily, what's wrong?"

It took me a moment to process.

"Well I came back to our apartment, but-"

Ring ring

"Oh sorry. I'll answer it." My dad went over and picked up the phone.

"Hello. Yes, this is me. What? She's missing?!" What? Only I saw her last. Or did I?

"Yes, I'll be there in ten minutes." My dad put down the phone. His hands on the table and the face of disbelief plastered on him.

"Linda....Emma's missing." My mom began to cry.

"Who reported?" I asked.

"It was someone that knew Emma." Uh huh..

"So, what were you saying?" My dad asked with sad eyes.

"I went back to our apartment and I couldn't find her."


"Well, we must go to the police immediately!" My mom desperately pleaded.

My parents got into their car and I wasn't shaking as much so I got into my car and drove to the police station.

My mom is clinging on to a photo of Emma. Her bright green eyes with her wavy light brown hair. It was a trip we went some couple of weeks ago.

"Hello, I'm Emma Monari's dad. I've been notified that my daughter has been reported missing."

"Ah yes, Mr. and Mrs. Monari, please follow me. I'll notify the investigator."

"Thank you."

We sat down in the office for about ten minutes before a tall, handsome man came in.

"Hello, I'm Levi Owens. I'll be on your daughter's case and will do my very best to get her home safely. Now, when was the last time you saw her?"

"Well I went to get groceries at about 6:30 p.m. then came back around 7 p.m. and she was gone. We were studying for finals and she doesn't get out of our apartment without telling me," I didn't want to mention the porcelain doll or the note.

Levi wrote down what I told him and proceeded with the rest of the questions to us that lasted 45 min. Afterwards, he got up and shook our hands then left.

An officer came in shortly after he left and told us that a search party will be out and then proceeded to tell me to stay back a while my parents left.

"Why do I have to stay back?"

"Investigator Owens requested a word for you since you last had seen your sister."

"Okay." I stayed in the same dim office. Images of my sister suffering went through my head. I just feel numb. Levi went in and actually sat down at the desk.

"Miss Monari-"

"Call me Lily. Please."

"Okay. Lily, has your sister ever wandered off?" His hazel eyes staring at me.

" She never has. She doesn't go anywhere out of the apartment before telling me. It was an agreement between us."

"Uh huh," he said as he wrote it down,"Now tell me, what was your sister last wearing?"

"She was wearing a red sweatshirt with grey sweatpants."

"Okay, I'll contact with you if I need anymore information." He stood up.

"It was nice meeting you," he took out his hand.

"It was nice meeting you, too," I shook his hand. His grip was a bit too firm.

"Goodnight Lily. I assure you that we will find your sister."

"Thank you and night to you, too."

And with that I left.

I sat in the car, looking at the doll and the note. Wondering where in the world is my sister?

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