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Suddenly I was in a room.

A room not familiar to me.

Grey walls.

Concrete floors.

Blood splattered everywhere.

My heart pounding in my chest as I notice more detail. I feel the sharpness of a knife against me. A voice behind me saying,

"You're next."

I woke up to find myself screaming. My parents barged in my room with concern.

"Lily, are you okay?"


"Are you sure? You have been screaming in your sleep since Emma disappeared."

"Yes, I am sure," I said with a stern voice.

I felt bad, but I don't want to worry my parents even more. I sighed as I sat up on my bed. Three weeks since she was reported missing. Three weeks. No evidence. Yet. I will get evidence. I will.

I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. My mom and dad were waiting for me patiently at the table, waiting for me to finish before they tell me updates on her case. When I finished, my parents started to talk.

"Lily, Investigator Owens found possible traces off Emma."

"What!? They did!"

"I said possible."

"What? They can't have possible traces!"

"Lily, calm down!"

"No I will not calm down!" I stood up, "Not until my sister comes home!"

Tears start forming and I turned away from my parents. I start grabbing items for today's search and going in my car. When I turned the engine on, I started to cry. Not only for my sister, but for the unknown reason she's gone. I look at the doll underneath my sweater in the passenger's seat. Why would someone take her?

Investigator Owens was on the phone when I went to his office.

"Yes. Hey, I'll get back to you later to discuss....things. Okay. See you later." He stood up. And went over my seat.

"Good morning, Lily."

"Good morning, Investigator Owens."

"You can call me Levi, Lily."

"Levi, have you found any evidence of my sister?" 

"We might have possible traces of her, though, it is unclear if they are Emma's."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I grabbed his arm and he looked surprised. I looked at him in confusion.

"What's the matter?" He tried to say something, but he hesitated.

"Nothing, Lily," he said,"Let's get going."


We traveled to another town next to the highway and a forest. 


That's many miles away from where we live. But I guess it's a start.

Levi pulled into the driveway of a house. He turned off the engine and we just sat there for a moment. The awkward silence lingered.

"So, is this a house where might be evidence?" I turned to look at him.

"They said they probably have something related to the case of Emma."

We get out of the car and knock on the door. An old man answers the door and looks at me then Levi. A strong scent of chocolate chip cookies hit us.

"Are you Levi?"

"Yes, I am Levi working on the case of a missing woman named Emma. This woman here is her sister."

"Well come in! My wife has cookies in the oven! They should be out in a couple of minutes!"

We sat down in the living room and Levi had his notepad and pen out, waiting for the old man to sit.

"Do you two want anything to drink? Coffee, tea, water...?"

"No, thank you."

"I'd like some coffee, please," said Levi.

"I'll tell my wife to make you some. Milk? Sugar?"

"No milk and two cubes, please?"

"Okay," he said after walking to the opening of the kitchen," Helen, please make a coffee with two sugar cubes for the young lad."

I heard a shuffle and Helen say, "Okay, I'll be there in a few with the cookies!"

He sat back down and Levi started his questions. After a couple questions, Helen, a little old lady, brought a tray of chocolate chip cookies and coffee for Levi.

"Thank you very much."

"Your welcome. I really enjoy guests!"She said before heading back.

We continued the questions and I just sat there and listened and something caught me.

"Some couples days ago, I can't remember when, but I there was something going on outside for a couple of moments and then it was over like that!" He snapped his fingers.

"Did you witness the event?"

"For the the last moments I did."

"What did you witness?"

"A girl that looks similar to her," he pointed to the picture I had in my lap,"Being taken to someone. Though I can tell you that he was tall. Somewhere about your height," pointing to Levi. 

"Okay, that's all for today," we stood up,"Thank you for your help and for the cookies and coffee!"

We shook hands.

"Yes, it's nothing. We enjoy guests. Please, come back anytime!" He smiled.  We went outside and said goodbye once again, and left.

I then remembered that the doll is still in my car. 

The memory still lingers in my head. Pounding into my brain like a nail and a hammer. That doll can never replace my sister, unlike the person that has my sister, who thinks that a doll will replace her. 

Well...they're wrong.

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