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I'd rather be dead than be here in this hell.

I've been here for about six weeks and they still haven't found me. I bet Lily is worried sick about me. I wish I never messed with him. All because of a stupid mistake.

I let out a scream.

Of course no one will hear me!

I'm in the middle of nowhere!

It's just me and him.


He never had mercy on me. Especially after I tried to run away. After I've been handed over to him, he locked me into a room in the attic with shatter-proof windows. I guess it's better than the basement. There's just a bed and a small window, but I didn't realize that I'd be chained to move around the room. The length of the chain doesn't allow me to reach the doors. He doesn't trust me anymore when he's gone.

Which reminds me, he should be here shortly. I sighed. I'm in a colorful dress that he made me wear. He always keeps muttering and saying that I'm his doll. He excepts me to stand straight with a smile in his presence. It's a pain. I always have to look perfect according to his daily requirements for me to be his doll. Once, I did not meet them and he threw a vase at me and left me bruises and cuts on my arm. The next day, he made me cover them up with bandages and put make up over it.

I am such an idiot for crossing his path. But it has already been too far late.

I look out the window as I sighed. I spot his car and I straighten my dress and smiled as I heard the door slam shut.

I heard his heavy steps come up and I prepare to do a lot of smiling. He opens the door, looking really happy.

"Hello, my doll. How have you been today, Doll?" He asked me.

"Hello, Mister. My day has been pleasant and how about yours?" Smiling wide at him.

"Splendid! I was thinking about you a lot during work as always! I can still remember the day I had met you, my precious doll," he slid his hand down my face, "did you clean your room as told?"

"Yes, Mister," I muttered.

"What did you say?!" His eyes widen, "I couldn't hear you!"

"I said yes, Mister!"

"I thought so. Now, Doll, I'll take you downstairs for the special dinner tonight as scheduled," he smiled.

It's not Friday today! Or is it?!

Every Friday he takes me downstairs for a special dinner, better food than the other days, and after dinner, he takes me to his bedroom to rape me. If I refuse, he will leave me with no food for a week.

I have tried many things, but now, there's no use in struggling against him. He doesn't mind you losing a lot of blood at all I have learned.

While I was eating dinner, I saw his mail and his full name was on it.

Conner L. Owens.

I only knew his name was Conner, but not his last name. He noticed I was staring at his mail and immediately took them away from the table. I didn't move my glance to make it seem like I was spacing out.

"What were you staring at, Doll?"

I "snapped" out of it, "Oh nothing. Just thinking about how good this food is!"

"Oh good! I specially prepared it today!" He smiled,"well I guess we're done here, darling. Now..." He took my hand to lead me to his bedroom and I mentally prepared for this to happen again as I heard the door click behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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