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10 years later.

It's been ten years or so, since I was a slave, bought by the Hermendez's, turned into a vampire, battled, killed that bitch Ariel, brought back the real Blaine, got married, had babies and challenged Lucifer.

I am Queen of all Vampire's now. Since, about five years ago. Loren and Lily left to travel, Alann and Ana-Bella left too, but only a year ago. Blaine and Bethany moved to my house in Pump Lane. As for Blaine Forde, he still lives here, with Keli-Marie, along with Dimitri and Sarah. Keli-Marie and Darren are nine and bit, but in

looks, they're about twenty. Keli is exactly like my best friend Keli, fiesty, kind, lovable, and a bitch to people she doesn't like. Keli-Marie is Keli, the favour I got from Lucifer, who I now call Luc, was to have all of Keli's memories available for her. For her to see her other life.

Darren is quite the opposite, fierce temper, but he's quiet, and has an amazing personality. Dimi and Sarah have two children, TJ and Kealan (pronounced Keylan), they are the spitting image of Dimi, but with Sarah's silver eyes.

I visit the Underworld all the time, Lucifer actually looks like a person. The scales and stuff were his true form, he looks like any man. Only ten times more beautiful. He's kind of like a father figure to me, I've changed his ways too. He isn't as evil anymore, he can compromise with people.

I have changed the whole world, supernaturals and human coexsist together, humans work for vampire's, and sometimes vampires work for human's. There are a few vampire's still who go against the throne, but I set up a group which hunt down rogues, and criminals. The group is called Vision, I don't know why I actually called it that, I just like it.

Vision consists of, twelve vampire's, including Blaine Forde, twelve were's, including Blaine Hughes too, and twelve witches. Blaine Forde is the leader and Blaine Hughes is his second in command. Blaine took three years off to travel with Beth.

Now, to the present, here I am, sitting at my desk, looking over paperwork for donated blood all over the world. Jake has been in America for two weeks, talking to the people that run there for us.

Keli and Darren burst through my door with big grins on their faces, I frown at them. They gesture for me to follow them, I hop up and race after them, only I don't reach the door, two hands wrap around my waist, shocks travel through my whole system. Only one person has this effect on me, I turn around and squeal.

"Jake!!!" I launch into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist.

"Missed you baby." He plants a feather kiss on my lips.

"Never leave again, without me." I smile.

"Never, I love you." He whispers.

"As I love you, for eternity."

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