Friends Why?!

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It has been 10 minutes of my friends just stairing at me. Meanwhile I'm still on the floor with my hand holding up my head.

"You know you all could talk or leave or show emotion" I say looking up at them rolling my eyes.

"Yeah um it's kinda getting old" Niall says leaning back on his hands.

"See atleast I'm not alone on this" I say.

The girls just give me that Imma kill you look and walk into the room.

"Y-y-y-your H-h-h-harry S-s-s-styels" Bella says tears in her eyes.

"Woah woah please don't cry if you cry I cry ok" Harry says waving his hands at her.

"Oh don't pay attention to her she so over dramatic" Aquarius says "Hi I'm Aquarius but you can call me by my middle name Claire if you want" Aquarius says tucking her hair behind her ear after she shakes Harrys hand.

"Oh please are you seriously falling for that Harry it's just one of Quarius ways of getting you to fall for her" I say standing up from the ground and crossing my arms.

"Uh I'm not trying to make him love me ok Ariel I just wanted to introduce myself" Aquarius says fliping her hair with her hand.

"Mhhhmm right sure we will just go with that Quarius" Aqua says rolling her eyes as well.

"Oh hun I know your not talking, who's the one that wanrdd the Irish babys uh yea not me" Quarius says looking at Niall

Niall turns bright red and so does Aqua.

"Ha well someones embarrassed, and by someone I mean Niall" I say walking over to Niall and messing up his hair.

"Awe Ariel why did you do that" Niall says trying to fix his hair.

"Oh Niall hun cry me a river, then build me a bridge so you can get over it" I say fakeing a tear with my finger.

"Haha" Niall says giving me the death glare.

"Well look who's here" Harry says "Little Liam that has the hots for Ariel" He adds

Liam like he did before got all red in the face. He was looking at me with that cute little face that says HELP all over it. I couldn't bare looking at him I had to do something.

"Liam may have the hots for me but at least i don't cry over a fan" I say pointing at Harry.

Harry sits there with his mouth agape.

"I - I - I - I" He trys to say but gets chocked up.

"Hmm what Harry I can't understand you, maybe it's because what I said is true" I say getting madder then I thought I would.

He looks at me with sadness in his eye's Ugh crap I just upset the guy that my two best friends are in love with. Well I might have to go to the hospital tonight.

"How dare you upset Harry like that" Bella yells at me

"Yea so what if he crys over one of his fans, I think it's cute" Quarius says looking at me as if I was the bad guy. Which in this case I guess I was.

"Oh whatever, does anyone have any money so I can get food I'm starving" I say falling to the ground holding my stomach like a 3 year old.

Everybody just laughed at me. Well except for Liam. I get up from the ground and walk out the door. Well I try to walk out the door but someones blocking the way out.

"Umm excuse me" I said looking up at his big brown eyes.

"Oh uh sorry" He said steping to the side.

I give him a small smile then walk down stairs.

I walk down the steps into the kitchen and I very loud noises. Then I hear really big moans. Ew Ari you just (I changed Aquarius's nick name to Ari instead of Quarius) couldn't keep it in could you. I . But then I remembered that Aquarius and Harry are still upstairs.

That thought gets me a little worried. More like a lot of worried.

I start walking to were I hear the noises from. But like everyother time I'm trying to find out something I het stopped. To my suprise it wasn't who i thought it would be. I thought it was one of the girls or Harry trying to mess with me. I swear they have only been here for 3 hours and they already what to mess with me.

Anyway the person that approached me way Zayn.

"Oh uh hi Zayn" I say trying to ignore his existence

"Uh hi I just was trying to find Louis then saw you so I wanted to say hi" He says
"Oh and um whats that noise" He adds.

"Oh uh um I don't know really that's what I'm trying to figure out but you interrupted me so" I say looking at him mad.

"Oh well um bye then" He says

"Oh wait was Louis up there with you guys" I ask

"No why" He says looking a tad bit worried.

"Just cause I wanted to see what he wanted for dinner" I say shrugging it off.

"Oh ok well I can help you look for him if you like" He asks

"Oh um if you want to I'm OK with you helping me look for him" I say messing with my hair.

I give him a weak smile the head back to walking towards the noise.

I find myself infront of a door were the noise is the loudest. I question myself on opening the door. I decide it's probably the best idea and I put my hand on the handel. I'm scared out of my mind to find out what is going on so I slowly turn the nob and open the door.

After I open the door my jaw drops in disgust and suprise. I hear Zayn cuss as he saw what I was looking at too. Your probably woundering why I'm not just getting to the point on why I'm in shock, but really if you see what I am looking at you would know why I'm taking a long time to tell what the door reviled.

What I am looking at was indeed not Ari and Harry. Oh no it was Louis and my MOTHER.

Hey guys hope you like the new chapter and next chapter coming soon.

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