Date Night!!!

21 0 3

It's 7 o'clock and I am completely and utterly confused on what to wear for dinner with Liam. Well I don't really know what we are doing actually.

"AQUA" I yell.

"WHAT" She yells back.


"YOUR A BIG GIRL" She says walking into my room. "What do you want" she says looking at her phone.

"I don't know what to wear for tonight" I say taking her phone from her and walking to my closet.

"Hey hive it back" she says stomping towards me.

"No not until you help me" I say crossing my arms.

"Ugh fine nhdjsndbwxndjej" She mumbles.

She steps in front of my closetm I would say steped into my ckoset because she basically did that but one problem I dont have a walk in closet.

"Um hun what are you doing" I say leaning over so I am face to face with her.

"Looking for shoes duh" she answers.

"Yes but why" I say standing up.

"Because hunny you have to start with the shoes then work your way up" She says as she grabs a pair of shoes and stands up.

"Oh well I've never done it that way I start with the outfit" I tell her taking the shoes away from her.

"That explains why you never have a good outfit" She says taking the shoes from me.

I sit there with my mouth open and my hand on my hip. I slowly close my mouth and give her the death stare.

"That's just shallow and very uncalled for" I say fliping my hair with my hand.

"True but it's necessary" She says continuing to look in my closet.

"Well then aren't you just mean" I say walking over to the door.

"I speak the truth" She says holding her hands up to surrender.

"She's right you know" I jumpat the sudden sound thats behind me.

I turn around and see Niall and Harry behind me.

"You scared the rainbow out of me" I said moving away from the door.

"Rainbows?" They asked in unison.

"Yeah rainbows I don't cuss I'm not that bad of a person" I say plooping on my bed.

"Just because you don't cuss doesn't mean your not a bad person" Harry says sitting down at the end of my bed.

"He's got a point" Aqua says pulling and outfit out of my closet. (The one above)
"What about this" Aqua says examining the outfit one last time.

"I'm not a country girl" I say picking up Harrys phone.

"Hey" He said trying to get it back.

"What it's not like you have a life, oh wait you do maybe I could...." I get cut off by Aqua snapping at me.
"Whatever hunny FOCUS" She says.

"And sorry to say you kinda are a country girl" Niall says shrugging.

I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"Can you not like really" I say

"Yes I can now try it on" Aqua says pushing the outfit into my arms.

I walk into the bathroom and change into the outfit to please her.

I walk out and say "It's ok I guess" everyone turns their heads towards me.

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