Cleaning Day.

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I wake up and realize....It's Cleaning
Day. Which most likely means alot of tears.

I get up and grab my keys and head done stairs.

I walk down stairs to find Zayn and Louis already up.

"Where are you going" Louis asks.

"Like you care, but I'm going to Walmart" I say

"In your pajamas" Zayn asks confused.

"Yeah it's Walmart who cares" I say shrugging and grabbing a bar from the cabinet. I walk to the door and take a bite. "Oh and can you tell the others I went to the store when they get up" I say turning and waving backwards. Then I open the door and get in my car.

It doesnt take me long to get to Walmart just a couple of minutes.

I park the car and walk through the door.

When I get in the store I ask if they have any boxes that I can use.

They guide me to the back and show me the boxes and I thank them.

I see all the boxes and go and grab a cart. I get more than 100 boxes which means I needed 2 carts instead of 1.

I walk back towards the door when I hit someone.

I instantly apologize.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you"
"Wait...Alex....Alex is that you" I ask.
Alex used to be my #1 crush like seriously but he kept me in the friend zone and so no we are really great friends. But I haven't talked in a while.

He smiles, and I give him a huge.

"How have you been" I ask.

"Good, how has it been having 5 new guys in your house" He asks smiling.

"Oh so you've heard" I say.

"Yeah it's all around school, your famous" He says winking.

"Yeah right, but yeah its been good drama alot but still good. Raven, Aqua, Aquarius, and Bella are literally moving in so that what the boxes are for" I say noding towards the boxes.

"Oh you need any help" He asks.

"Oh no I don't want to take up your time" I say waving the suggestion away.

"No really I have nothing to do, I only came to the store to find something to do" He says. "So need any help" He asks again.

"Sure" I say.

We walk out together and he helps me put the boxes in my car.

"So do you remember where I live" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there" He says and walks to his car.

I get in mine and drive off.

Again it doesnt take long before I'm at my house and by my front door.

I open the door and run up to see if anyone is awake yet or if I need to get the water again.

I walk in and the guys and Raven are up.

I run over to Raven and say.
"So Alex is coming to help pack so can you help me get everyone else up"

She grins. "You mean Alex as in your #1 huge crush last year"

"Yes I mean that Alex but still these butts need to wake up" I say smiling.

She nods and heads down stairs to see if the girls are awake.

I go the guys room and check to make sure they are alive.

Zayn and Louis are still up but Liam isn't.

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