Break The Ice Kiyoshi Teppei

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This one is dedicated to WinnieHeichou senpai! I love your KnB and Levi one-shots, please continue to write them. /smiles with flowery aura;

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Flipping your hair, you walked down the halls of Seirin while wearing your signature poker face and cold gaze that makes everyone's spine freeze.

Nobody even dared to greet you good morning nor wave at you. You're absolutely beautiful, intelligent, and mature. Any guy would have dropped dead just for your sweet 'yes.' Problem is, you have a cold heart. So cold that every time you speak with someone, they would freeze.

You never cared anyway, so you just shrugged it off. You're used to this feeling since, it's better to not feel anything than to feel loved and end up getting hurt.

Being cold and tough is better than being soft and vulnerable. After all, the weak are stepped on by the strong ones.


Entering your classroom, a tick mark popped on your forehead when a certain giant made his way to you with his flowery, shimmering aura.

"Good morning, [Name]-san." He greeted with a cheeky grin, but you ended up shoving your hand on his face to create distance.

"Go away. You're making my day go bad." You muttered under your breath as you sat on your desk.

"Eh? But, I didn't do anything..." Kiyoshi smiled as he sat beside you.

This is why you hate people. Even if you put a sign on your forehead saying that you're cold and heartless, there's always an annoying idiot who will surround you with love and happiness.

"[Name]-san, would you go on a date with me?" Kiyoshi said and you nearly choked on your own saliva.

You glared at him and stood up, "Look. I can't simply say yes okay? And I would never. So, will you please, fucking leave me alone?"

Kiyoshi's eyes widened and he sighed, "Will you please drop the cold act then, [Name]-san?"

You were taken a back and you felt your heart beat fast. Composing yourself you looked at Kiyoshi with your drop-dead cold gaze.

"Good morning class. Miss [Last Name], please sit down." The teacher said as he entered the classroom.

You groaned as you plugged in your earphones to ignore the stupid idiot beside you.

You've loved Kiyoshi for a long time already, but since your mind keeps on denying it, you thought you don't.

"Okay, so in a piece of paper, write something you want to say to a certain person. It must come from the bottom of your heart." The teacher said as he smiled sweetly.

Ignoring the activity, you slumped down your desk and played a song entitled, "Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde." You can't help but fall in love with her voice.

Kiyoshi stood up and he smiles, "I hope [First Name] [Last Name] listens to this."

You quickly frowned and unplugged one earphone from your ears to hear what the annoying guy would say.

Kiyoshi cleared his throat before looking straight into your eyes, "[First Name], I first noticed you when we were back in middle school. Your smile was one of the most beautiful things I've seen. Second, would be your attitude, and lastly, your voice. I was wondering why you changed so much when we reached high school. I thought that maybe, something happened to you."

You slightly fidget and looked down your desk. 'Kiyoshi knows me?... That means, he saw my old self.' You thought as you clenched your fists.

"But, you know [Name], you're a crybaby." He chuckled which made you want to rip his mouth from his face.

"The first time I have seen you cry was, when you're at the library. You were sitting there, pretending you were reading a book when actually, you were crying. Second would be, when you're at the biology lab. You were holding your heart as the group of girls walked passed the room. Maybe they are saying things about you, that's why you cried."

You gritted your teeth and you stood up, you were about to get out when that two sentences hit you straight in the heart.

"Please stop hiding your emotions, [First Name]. You're human too."

Your gaze met up with Kiyoshi's, "We know your reputation as the Ice Queen but, that doesn't mean you have to act like your heart is covered in ice. Your emotions are after all a sign, that you're a living, breathing, human being. [Name], I know you might hate me right now but, can I break the ice that surrounds your heart?"

You bit your bottom lip before feeling your tears spill out, "I...hate you. I hate how you care for me. I hate how you love me. I hate how foolish you are. I hate your kind. I hate your type. I hate you."

Everyone was shocked to see you cry in front of them. Kiyoshi was more shock with what you said.

"...How can you care for a person who always pushed you away? How can you even love someone like me?!" You angrily yelled and even pointed at Kiyoshi.

"The hell is wrong with your heart?!"

Kiyoshi smiled as he walked up to you, "There's nothing wrong with my heart. I care because I know how hurt you are, [Name]. I chose you because, I love you."

He quickly pulled you into a hug and you can't help but cry on his shoulder. All this time of suffering, of hiding in the cold dark prison you made for yourself, of surrounding your heart with ice to push away people, finally, someone truly cared for you. Someone truly loved you and the only thing he asked in return is your love for him.

You smiled as you hugged him tighter, "Teppei, about your question, you don't need to break the ice because, I simply let you in."

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🙋🏻- I hope you guys like it. Oh and I hope senpai, liked it! (⌒▽⌒)

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