Chapter Two: Transferring Schools

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Hola! So, I hope you enjoy the chapter! :D

Haeun POV

I was at home, trying to prepare how to tell my daddy that I want to transfer.

I was practicing in the mirror:

"Dad, well you see... Could I please transfer schools?"

"Daddy! The teachers at my school are really bad, so could I..."

I was thinking of different lines in my head, and practicing them in my head, over and over again.

I was finally done preparing after thinking of the perfect lines:

"Dad, I love my school right now, but could I please transfer because the teachers are really weird. They have so many mood swings and it's affecting class time."

I was heading downstairs, when I heard:

"Haeun-ah, come here, I have something very important to discuss with you."

I nodded my head, and sat down beside him on the couch.

"Haeun, appa wants you to transfer schools."

My eyes went wide. Yes! That means I don't have to tell him I want to transfer schools for some weird reason. :D

"Oh, Appa. But why?"

"I need you to go Star High for me. The owner of that school is my friend, and he says that he needs a model for their school. He told me that she has to be beautiful, photogenic, and have a nice personality. Well, I had no doubt about it, and told him that I had found her!"

I blushed.

"Thanks Appa, but am I really pretty enough to be a model?"

"Haeun-ah, in my eyes, you're the most beautiful young lady there is."

I was touched, and gave my dad a hug.

I excused myself, but before my I left, my dad reminded me that school would start tomorrow and that he already had all the papers done. He told the maids to send the uniform upstairs.

I went to my room to find my beautiful navy blue uniform with red ribbons. My name tag : Lee Ha Eun

I was ecstatic! I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

Readers, mianhe! This chapter was shorter than what I expected it to be... But I promise that the next chapter will be long and full of details! :) Please comment below and vote! <3

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