Chapter 9: Seeing Them Again

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Annyeong everybody! I've been trying to write as often as I can, but I have a lot of school work, so please bear with me <3 So, let's cut to the point: Here you go! :D

Haeun POV: 

After the assembly, the entire's school talk was revolving around Lee Haeun, the beautiful, rich, and talented girl.

Everyone had frretime in this period, so technically we were supposed to "study." But of course, Jessica, Krystal, and I definitely did not agree. We were sitting in the library, quietly passing notes to each other due to the fact that our librarian prohibits any type of noise. 

On the Note: 

Jessica: Guys, I'm so bored!

Krystal: Me too...

Me: What can we do?

Jessica: I know! Krystal, let's take Haeun to our special room. 

Krystal: Oh yeah! That room is perfect for you, Haeun. 

Haeun: Okay, if you say so, let's go. 

We gathered all our books and Jessica and Krystal led me out of the library, down the hall, up the stairs, and through the school garden. I noticed that we were heading towards a tiny building that looked really pretty. Next to it, was the sign, SMTOWN. 

Jessica held Krystal and I hand in hand as we strutted into the building. 

Luhan POV

*dee doo dee 

It was the door. (The sound are from those doors that can open with a password.) In came Jessica, Krystal, and ..... Haeun! 

I was here with my boys. We hanged out here everyday whenever we didn't have class. 

"Hi everyone!" It was Jessica. 

"Hey guys!" This time it was Krystal. 

The boys were busy playing video games before, and now they had their attentions locked on the girls. I mean after all, they are our seniors. 

"Hi Jessica, Hey Krystal." Baekhyun said. 

Haeun, on the other side was hiding behind the two girls, probably not knowing what to do. 

"Hey, who's that behind you?" Chen asked. 

"OMG! Is it a saesang?!" asked Sehun. 

"Eww... Look at her..." I heard Tao say quietly. 

Jessica pulled Haeun up next to her.

"Well, are you going to introduce yourself? I mean you already know them I'm sure." Jessica stated. 

Haeun hesitated for a moment before saying, 

"Hi, how are you guys doing? I'm Lee Haeun..." 

The room became silent. 

Suddenly all the boys started laughing. 

"HAHAHAHAHHAA!! You're Lee Haeun?!" 

"If that was true, I'd be Lee Min Ho then!" 

I wasn't sure why Haeun was acting so shy around the people she had been so close to in the company. Could it be because today she had been criticized too much?

Before the boys could continue saying anything, Krystal came up and shouted, 

"YAH! You guys are so mean! How do you know that she's not Lee Haeun?" 

"Well... she doesn't look like her..." D.O said quietly. 

Krystal rolled her eyes. 

"Everyone, take a closer look at her." 

She told Haeun to stay still, and she carefully took off Haeun's glasses. 

Without her glasses on, to be honest, there was a whole lot more Haeun in there than Eun Hee. 

The room became silent again. 

"Oh my god.... Haeun, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" Tao said. 

"Noona~~ Why'd you lie to all of us?" Sehun said with a pout. 

Haeun returned to her normal self and chuckled, 

"Sehun-ah, first of all I'm younger than you, and second, I didn't mean to, but it's just part of my plan. But right now my plan just isn't working." 

"What's the plan?" Kai asked. 

We all sat down together in the "living room" on the couch, while she explained her plan and her current situation. All the members nodded their heads, understanding. 

"Noona-ah, why didn't you tell us you were getting bullied? We could've gone to that school and been your supporters and your friends!" Sehun said enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, we missed you a lot!" Chanyeol said. 

Haeun POV 

Now you're probably wondering why they're all saying that they're missing me right? 

First off, because I was getting bullied so much, I started developing depression, not wanting to do anything, so I stopped going to the training rooms. 

Second of all, after my depression got better, I went back to the training rooms, but they had all already debuted. 

But anyways, back to the story: 

The free period was almost ending, so I quickly stood up saying, 

"Guys, we should go, or else we will be late to our next class." 

"Oh okay, everyone pack up, wouldn't want to be late for our 'lovely' teacher's class." 

"Haeun, what class do you have next?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Umm... I have English with Ms. Son. Does anyone else have this class?" 

"I do!" said D.O

"Me too," stated Kai. 

"Same here," Luhan said. 

"Me four!" Sehun said. 

Apparently, all the boys had their english period with me, whereas Jessica and Krystal had to go to Science class. 

We went separate ways with Krystal and Jessica, leaving me with the rest of the boys. 

We walked out of the building when I remembered something. 

"Wait! I can't be seen walking with you guys!" I said. 

"Why not?" D.O asked. 

"Because if I do, all your fan girls will hate me..." I said. 

"Noona~ don't worry! We'll protect you! <3" Sehun said. 

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, amused. 

Maybe walking with them won't attract too much attention right?

Okay, so that's the end of this chapter... It was pretty boring, I know.... But I hoped you all enjoyed it! I've been updating every night before I go to bed now, but it's getting really late - 12. I have school tomorrow, so I will continue it tonight! Please vote, comment, and give me some feedback about what you want to happen next! <3 


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