Chapter Three: Preparing

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Annyeong! :) So, how has the story been so far? I've been trying to add more Point of Views and details... But it's kind of hard :( Enjoy the story! 

Haeun POV 

I set the alarm for 6:00 even though the school started at 8:30. I wanted to be able to prepare my outfit and my backpack. 


BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm went off... That means I have to get up... Ughhhh, why can't I just sleep for five more minutes? And plus, it's not like I'm going to live any better with those school Queenkas... 

Wait a second... HOLY COW! I'm going to STAR HIGH! Yes! 
(Author-nim, why are you making Haeun look so dumb? FACE PALM :D) 

I quickly got out of my hot pink, king sized bed, and started for the bathroom. I took out my fairy princess toothbrush and made sure to brush my teeth very throughly, leaving no morning breath. Then, I combed my hair and made sure that there were no static hairs... I hate when that happens. You could say that all of this was on reflex and were automatic because I had been doing this everyday since I was little. 

Afterwards, I walked to the closet and took out the uniform that the maids had sent up yesterday. It was so beautiful! Too bad... I had a plan in mind. 

*In Haeun's brain*

Well at my old school, I got bullied for my status and my looks. So what if I took both of those away? 

*Back to the present*

I looked at the pretty uniform, and put it on. I came out of the changing room and stared at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself, "If I really do this, I won't be the same me anymore." 

I ran through all the consequences that could possibly happen if I went to my new school as the wealthy, beautiful, SM Entertainment daughter, Lee Haeun. 

There's too many possibilities: 

1. Everyone will love me and want to be friends with me genuinely. 

2. Everyone will love me and want to be friends with me for my money. 

3. Everyone will love me and want to be friends with me in order to get into SM Entertainment and meet all the idols. 

4. Everyone will hate me because they're jealous of me. 

5. I will be counted as a normal person there because everyone is rich. 

I was really hoping that either number one or number five would be true. But I knew that would probably never happen because no matter where I go, someone always wants something; regardless of money, relations, or even my personal items. 

I knew there was only one way to go, and that was: 

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