Unkept Promises

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"Zendaya, what do you wanna watch tonight?" Asked my bestfriend and girlfriend,Bella. We were sitting in our apartment,cuddled on the couch,my arm around her tightly. I shrugged,"I dunno....what about you,Red?" She gave me a look,she hated when I called her that. I put my hands up in surrender.

She laid back down on my chest. "I wanna watch....I dunno..." I rolled my eyes. "That don't help,babe," I said. She shrugged as in saying 'Oh,well'. She yawned,"I'm getting tired....its late..." I checked my phone,it was passed 11 o'clock. "Yeah,its time to hit the haysack,"

I got up and she stretched her arms up to me. "Carry me,Z," she said in a childlike voice. I rolled my eyes playfully and picked her up bridal style. "You're such a little kid!" I said.

"So? I can be a kid as long as I want,"

"But you're 20 years old,"

"Don't mean I gotta grow up..."

I put her on the bed and took off her pants. I took off my shirt and got on top of her kissing her neck slowly. She giggled,wrapped her legs around my waist,moaning in my ear.

"Day,isn't it a little too late for sex? I'm sure our neighbors are gonna hear me," she said seductively. I looked at her,"I don't give a damn about those people. I'm pleasing you,not them..." I placed a soft kiss on her lips. She moaned into the kiss and I started to grind on her hard.

She moaned a little louder. "Stop teasing me,baby..." she bit my bottom lip. I got excited and I slowly trailed my fingers down her stomach to the lacy,soaked fabric of her underwear. I teased her by running my hand on her covered heated core.

She moaned in pleasure. Rubbing her legs on my back slowly. "Z,stop it...I wanna feel you..." I smirked at her and eased my hand into her underwear. I rubbed my thumb over her clit. She closed her eyes. "Mmm...Z..." I raised an eyebrow and penetrated her with my middle finger.

She arched off the bed,bucking her hips to meet my finger. I smiled and thrusted in and out of her, brushing against her g-spot. She moaned louder,she gripped my back, digging her nails into my bare back. The feeling of her on my fingers felt so fucking good,I thought I was gonna cum on the spot! I fingered her deeper and harder,making her scream. She can get really loud, despite how small she is.

"Oh,God! Z,don't stop!"

I added another digit in her,making her crazier. I whisper in her ear,"I'm gonna fuck you senseless. I'ma fuck you so hard,you won't see straight," I smirked,biting my lip evilly. She rolled her hips,moaning wildly. I smile,knowing its me causing her ecstasy.

I go down and stick my tongue in her. Her sweet taste enveloping my mouth. I lap at her,feeling her pull my hair. I continue to pleasure her. She screams my name even louder. "Day,I'm c-close!"

I deepen my tongue inside of her,enjoying the honey-sweet taste of her swollen paradise. I swirled,wiggled,and sucked at her until she came hard. I cleaned up all her juices and came up to share it with her. She moaned at my kinkiness.

Then I laid beside her,rubbing her stomach,propped up with my head on my hand. "Best orgasm ever,Bells?" I said with a smirk. She was coated in a layer of sweat and she was still panting. She looked at me and kissed me heatedly.

"Yes...now its your turn...." she said going down and unbuckling my belt. She pulled my jeans down and off. She crawled back up to me and gave me a breath taking kiss before proceeding to remove my boy shorts. Once I felt her tongue,I rolled my eyes back,biting my lip to stop a moan. I tangled my fingers in her hair to urge her tongue deeper into me. I groaned lightly when she wiggled her tongue. She came back up and shared my taste with me. Damn,she sexy!

All of a sudden,my phone rings. I sigh annoyedly,but when I saw who was calling,I jumped in my skin. I grabbed the phone,"Babe,give me a minute..." she stopped and reduced to kissing my neck,which I allowed. I answered the phone,clearing my voice,"ZC?" On the other end was a thick Italian voice that belonged to Ricky Swillani or Razor, the Bo$$. "Zendoozi! I gotta job for you," I looked at Bella who stopped all her actions and looked at me worriedly. She knew about me and the dope game. I held her close to me. "What is it,Razor?" I asked with a sigh.

He chuckled,"I gotta coupla guys up in LA...'sposed to be ah big transfer. Millions are involved." My eyes go wide,"Millions?! Are you shitting me?!" I exclaim,sitting up slightly. Bella looked disappointed.

"Yea,Doozi! Motherfuckers are doing...say 1000 every kilo. We're gonna be swimming in money!"

"No doubt,Bo$$! They don't call you that with two dollar signs for nothing! When is this transfer happening?"

"Three weeks from now. My cousin, Donatello will help you. You may be my best,but even the best needs help."

"Understood,B....I'll meet up with you next Monday."

"Good, 8 o'clock? Warehouse..."

"Yea,aight,Razor..." with that I hung up to notice Bella isn't in bed anymore. I got up, put my underwear and shorts on and searched the apartment.

"Ana? Where are you?" I yelled out,only to find her fully dressed with her keys. "Yo! Where the fuck are you going?!" I damn near yelled. "Getting away from this shit! Daya,I don't want to live like this, hustling for what we have?! Why not make an honest living, for once,Z? Please?" She said,almost crying. I got closer to her. "Ana,what the fuck do you mean by 'honest'? Working at McDonalds? Asking rude ass customers for their order? No,thank you! Bells, at least we have the things we have...I hustle for a reason,babe," I almost yelled.

She threw her hands up,"And what fucking reason is that,Zendaya?! You already killed your brothers' killer without getting caught!" She whispered yelled,in fear someone is listening.

About a year ago, my big brother, Kenya was shot and killed by some asshole by the name of G-Tiger. Well a little over a month ago, with the help of Bo$$, I found him and I blew his brains out with no trace. I'm still mad, I wanna kill him again and again until I calm down.

"Bells,that fucker took away my only family. Every since I told my parents about my orientation, they disowned me. My sisters are somewhere in this world, and my grandparents are dead. That only left me and Ken. I'm fucked up! I have no choice,but to turn to the game."

Bella sighed sadly,"Z,you don't understand. It'll kill me if you got hurt or worst,killed. I love you too much to see you continue this lifestyle."

I scoffed,"Ana,if I could, I'd stop,but it ain't easy. I'm aware I'm gambling with my life. I'm keeping you far away from it as much as possible. It'll kill me if you got hurt,literally. That's why it's MY job to do what I gotta do and....hopefully it'll pay off and I'm not dead."

Bella slapped me hard. I turned my head and kept it there. "Don't you ever talk like that! You are NOT going to die! So,shut that dumbass shit up!! Do you have any idea how scared I get when you think like that?!"

I growled, and rubbed my cheek. "Ana, this only involves me....you have no say in this. I'm trying to help us both. Just....just help me on this! Aight?!"

"And how the FUCK am I supposed to do that?! How when my girlfriend will be on Death Row?!"

I shook my head. "You can start by not worrying too much,"

"I can't help, but worry. I love you too much not to. It's like telling me to stop loving you." She said a little teary eyed. I pulled her in for an embrace. I kissed her forehead,then rested my chin on the top of her head. "Bells,I'm not telling you to stop loving me,I'm telling you to trust me,I got this. I'm gonna be okay. I'm here to protect you,if something slips. But,I have to do this transfer. So we can get out of this shitty apartment and go to Hawaii,like you wanted," I said with a smile.

She smiled back up at me,"Okay,but you have to promise to quit this drug dealing shit. I can't stand sleeping next to a drug dealer."

I nodded,"It won't be easy,but I'll try."

Preview of next story...

"Bells,go take him back to the car. Leave this nigga to me," I stared at him in the face. "So,you're the one that killed my cousin?"

"Only because he killed my brother," I said,not taking my eyes off of the much larger man. He pointed a gold hang gun in my face. "Well,I'ma kill you, like you killed G,"

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