Paradise For A Plug

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The cool LA night blew threw my leather jacket. I stood with Donatello,Bo$$'s cousin and Adam under the bridge downtown. Bella and KJ stayed in an abandoned van nearby for safety.

2 hours went by before a black Cadillac drove up to us. A tall guy,dressed in all black emerged from the car. He was around his mid-20s with black slick hair. He was one of Razor's Hispanic clients; Enrique Deo,or Rico. He smirked when he saw me,we've done this form of business before.

"Doozi,Goy,Don. Got the stuff?" He said. I nodded and Donatello went to our car to get the coke. Adam help him with the rest. When Rico saw the merchandise,his grey eyes grew wide. He motioned to his goon,bringing back a large black suitcase.

"How much?"I asked. He sidesmiled. "Let's just say,you can own the whole state of California." Him and his goon laughed. Donatello took the suitcase and him and Adam handed him the coke hidden in large antique vases. Rico spit on the ground," Nice doin' business with ya. Hasta luego," he turned and went back to his car. They soon left and Adam sighed.

"Ay,ay,ay. That was intense. How much do you thinks in there,Day?" Adam asked. I shrugged. "In Rico's voice: enough to own the whole state of California." I chuckled. Donatello chuckled. "Let's get back to Raz and we can chill." We turned to leave when I saw the head lights of an all too familiar vehicle came up. My heart skipped a beat as the dark skinned man came out of the driver's side.

"Bitch! I know you got your family,but more importantly,do you got my money?" Joey seethed. I stayed silent. I saw the rusty gold handgun he shot KJ with on his waist and I wanted so bad to take out my gun and just shoot him right then and there,but I thought better.

"Hello?! Are you fucking deaf?! Where my fucking money at?! My 50 Gs?!" He pulled out his gun and aimed it at my chest. I kept my face solemn without saying anything. I looked over his shoulder to the van Bella and KJ was in and I saw them. They both had tears in their eyes and fear on their faces. I did a silent prayer and took a deep breath. "Joey,ain't it enough that you took my brother,only to almost kill my nephew. Then to turn around and kill me? Over what? $50,000? My family ain't worth that. Don,give him 50 crocs." Donatello hesitated then he pulled out five stacks and gave them to Joey. Joey smiled and nodded with his gun still pointed at me. "There's one more thing I want..." I was trembling,but I kept a brave face for my babies. I knew what coming,but before I knew it,Joey shot me in my side. I curled over in pain as he collected his money and drove off. I laid on the ground,holding my side,groaning as my mouth filled with the coppery taste of my blood. I felt myself blacking out as the searing pain became totally unbearable. I then hear a creaky door followed by rapid footsteps and KJ's crying.

"Daddy,wake up! Daddy,please don't die! I don't want you to go! Mommy,daddy's not waking up! She's bleeding badly! Somebody help!"

I woke up in the hospital bed. Faint beeping was heard over my head. Tubes and bandages were all over me. I saw Bella and KJ asleep in the chair next to my bed,Adam and Roshon were on the far side. Adam pacing back and forth,mumbling in Spanish,but I couldn't understand exactly what he was saying. I groaned and Adam looked at me,a big smile gracing his face. "Z?"

I chuckled lightly,slight pain hitting my torso. My voice came out hoarse and raspy. "Yeah. What happened? H-how long I've been in here?"

Ro got up from his chair,whispering. "You've been shot by Joey. They manage to get the bullet out and it hit no major arteries. They found him and locked him up." Then Adam adds,"You've been in here for a week. These two hardly left your side." I looked over at my sleeping loves and smiled slightly. KJ then woke up and saw that I was awake. He whispered yelled,"Mommy,mommy! Daddy's awake! She's not dead!" Bella woke up and tears of happiness ran down her face as she carefully hugged me.

"Thank God,you're alright!" She kissed the top of my head. When I heard those words,I started crying. They sounded like words a mother would say,but I have no mother. I cried harder as the guys came in for the embrace. Despite the pain I was feeling,I hugged them all back.

"Daddy,I'm glad you're okay. I didn't wanna lose another dad." I nodded and kissed his forehead. Just then, the doctor came in with a weird look. "Zendaya Coleman? Everything's okay with you. The bullet completely missed a major artery that could've been fatal." KJ looked up at the doctor. "Because God protected her. It wasn't her time to die,her and my mommy has so much to teach me. I'm only 8, and I already lost my birth mom when I was a baby and my dad last year. Faith kept her alive,doctor."

All of us looked at him amazed,even the doctor. "Well,Miss Coleman,everything's fine. You're free to go home."

It seems like forever since I've been in my home. As soon as I hit the door,I noticed a bag on the island. I went over to it and opened it and my eyes grew wide. I turned to Adam,who had a wide grin on his face. "Raz told me to give it to you. $1,000,000 in all. Spend wisely."

Bella and KJ came and looked at the money. "Babe,what're we gonna do with all this money?!" Bella asked. I looked at her with a smile. "We're going to Hawaii,liked promised." I kissed her sweetly. KJ started hooping excitedly. "Yay! Hawaii!"
Ro and Adam just stood there with smiles plastered on their face. When Bella pulled from the kiss,excitement filled her vision. "When do we pack?" I looked around at the mess that was never cleaned from the invasion then chuckled," Now. Let's go."

Soon we were on a plane to paradise.


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