2: 1st Shock- Italian lessons and Back to Italy

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Hello: Normal(referring to Japaneses text, English will count as Foreign)

Hello: Dreams/Flash backs

Hello: Foreign Language

Hello: Thoughts


~Third P.O.V~

A 3 in.(76.2mm) calcium carbonate in a form of a cylinder with a diameter of 3/8 in.(9.5mm) headed straight toward a brunette. In other words Mr. Nezu threw a white colored chalk at Tsuna, to gain the attention of the sleeping brunette, failing to notice the dangerous aura that surrounds him.

Yamamoto, whose seat is right from Tsuna's, was about to intercept the throw(so Tsuna doesn't wake up) but his movemenst stops. Gokudera watch the scene, and starts to glare at Yamamoto for not trying to protect his precious Juudaime, but eventually he stops his glare and avoided looking in their direction.

Class 2-A(expect Kyoko, Hana, Rain, and Storm) watch in glee as they saw the chalk headed straight for their so-called 'Dame-Tsuna', but what they had expected never happen.


~Tsuna's P.O.V~

*In a dream*

I was on a fluffy white cloud, and the sky had an orange tint. Surrounding me were mountains of strawberry cakes, my guardians were behaving well, and I was enjoying a slice of cake while watching a pile of paperwork set on fire. All of my guardians and I decided to burn all the paperwork, and celebrate by eating cakes.

Then Reborn came with a gun in his hand, shooting at us for burning the paperwork, causing my guardians making a wreckage. Yamamoto had a sudden killing intent aura around him, while Gokudera was glaring at him. How did my dream change from something so pleasant to a nightmare.

My hyper intuition started to act up. I turn around to see Reborn shoot a bullet that seems to be made out of paperwork at me. I quickly reacted and avoided being hit, I grabbed the rolled up paperwork and threw it like a dart into the fire pit. I sent a glare at Reborn for ruining my oh-so-sweet dream.

*End of the Dream*

I woke up from my dream, with a glare plastered on my face, to see that I was in my classroom with my arm extended out toward the trashcan. I look around the room to see my classmates(except for my famiglia) and Mr.Nezu with their jaws hanging and wide eyes staring at me. So they were the ones who destroy my sleep, well at least I got some... sleep. But I'm still not in a mood to act for them. I sent a light glare at Mr. Nezu (since I'm trying my best to hold back), he looks at me with sweat starting to appear on his forehead.


~Third P.O.V.~

What the whole class just witness was that their 'Dame-Tsuna' has just caught the chalk with his eyes close. They saw Tsuna's hand position change, to look like he was holding a dart, and threw the chalk straight into the trashcan. They couldn't believe it(except for the vongolas, which they were either smirking or grinning like a mad man/woman). Class 2-A felt how the temperature of the room went down a degree, and they notice that Tsuna had a threatening(Not really) glare directed toward Mr. Nezu.

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