Omake 1- A sudden suspicion

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Normal(referring to Japaneses text, English will count as Foreign)

Dreams/Flash backs

Foreign Language

{Translations unless Japanese}





~Unknown Student's P.O.V.~

*Namimori Middle's gate, Satuday at 6 a.m. *

I along with my class were waiting for Sawada-san, Gokudera-san, and Yamamoto-san to arrive at school. I really didn't mind, but I do wish that they get here soon(not that I can't wait). I'm just tired from waking up earlier than usual. I took a look around my surroundings to see that Kyoko-chan and Hana-san dressed up nicely, even though they are still in our school uniform. I heard some of my classmates saying how they don't mind waiting for Gokudera-san and Yamamoto-san. Shesh! They're only saying that because of their looks and positions. They haven't even notice that Yamamoto-san had a fake smile on before he started to hang out with Sawada-san. I also heard them wondering aloud 'Why is Dame-Tsuna so special?'.It's impossible for Yamamoto-san and Gokudera-san to leave Sawada-san behind. They are practically glued to him! Now that I think about it. It is strange. He was no-good or at least from what I have heard. If he really is no-good then why would the school's baseball idol suddenly hang out with him... well, Sawada-san was the one to stop him from committing suicide. But the baseball player MUST have saw something in him, since his smiles became real after that incident. Then there was Gokudera-san, who I had labeled as a delinquent. But he became so obedient to Sawada-san the day after his transfer. What exactly did Sawada-san do? Not only that, but those 2 act as a bodyguard for Sawada-san. It would be impossible for Sawada-san to have black-mail them, Sawada doesn't seem like that type... There was something else that was strange. Those 3 miss school frequently or arrive late to school, but when they do arrive they would be... I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard Mr. Nezu speak.

"Riboyama-sama, are you sure we can't leave them? They are 5 minutes late. We might miss the flight." I heard Mr. Nezu say. What a pathetic excuse. He really is stupid. I doubt that he really was an 'elite'. I barely understand what he teaches. Last time I looked at my textbook I notice he was teaching the material wrong. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Of course. Our sponsor wouldn't be happy about any missing students. And besides our ride isn't here." Riboyama-sensei say as he turn his head toward the direction. He looks down at his watch and said "Those 3 should be here soon." As soon as he said that Sawada-san, Yamamoto-san, and Gokudera-san came rushing in. As the 3 responded to each other I notice the way they were dress. Just like Kyoko and Hana, they look well compose even after they had ran here. Then I notice something else, Sawada-san recover from his run very quickly as if he hadn't just rushed here gasping for air. My eyes slightly narrowed, When had Sawada-san ever recovered that fast? I remember when we had to run laps around the field and he would be exhausted to the point of almost passing out.

"Looks like everyone is here. Mr. Nezu mark them off the list." Riboyama-sensei said as he glance at the opposite direction. "Looks like our ride is here." As soon as Riboyama-sensei said that 2 cars arrive in front of the gate. There stood 2 sleek black limos with a symbol of a shield with a bullet, two guns and a winged clam. Hmm... the symbol looks strange somehow. But it's still amazing how we'll be riding in such a fancy limo. I stare in amazement.

"Class, separate into two different lines. One for girls and one for boys. But there won't be enough room for everyone, so I'll be calling out names who will be waiting for the last car." Riboyama-sensei said with a smirk on his face. I didn't really care since I could just go and relax in either place. Because of my constant thinking of the strange Sawada..-san, I became a bit more aware of his actions, like just now, he made a strange look that I've never seen before but it quickly disappears. "Sawada Tsunayoshi, Sasagawa Kyoko, Kurokawa Hana, Yamamoto Takeshi, and Gokudera Hayato. I'll also be riding in the last car." I wasn't as surprise as most of the class, for some reason I kinda knew. Riboyama-sensei seems to know Sawada-san, and it kinda seems reasonable that the group would be people that hangs out with Tsuna. I slightly jumped up after hearing a gun shot , I glance around to see that it was Riboyama-sensei who had shot a bullet into the sky. "Hurry up and form 2 lines already."he said in a menacing tone. I quickly rushed to form a line with the rest. Afterwards 2 men dress in what seems to be butler uniforms appeared, they walked straight to Riboyama-sensei, I'm not sure if it's just me but I think I saw the 2 butlers give a (very) warming smile to Sawada-san.

I notice that the 2 butlers were twins and that they had the same emblem on their suit as the one on the limo. The guy with green tie started to talk to us in fluent Italian. The only thing that I caught was that his name was Alessandro, but he prefers to be called Ale. He mentions a name Carlo, who I assume might be his brother. Then something caught my interest, they mention something about a 'Decimo Tonno', which I believe to translate as 'Tenth Tuna'? What does that mean? I glance at Sawada-san, who I just learned can understand speak Italian fluently, being distracted by Kyoko and Hana. Wait! That's right Sawada(forgetting to think of the honorifics because of getting in her detective mode) knows how to speak ITALIAN. When and where did he learn that from? I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that we were already heading for the limos, until I felt a stare on my back. I turned around to see that Rioyama-sensei was staring at me with amusement in his eyes and a smirk on his visage. I quickly rushed to the limos pausing my thoughts.

As I enter the limo, I didn't pay much attention to how it looks. My mind is trying to figure out the strange Sawada. I sat closet to the window of where the brunette should be standing from the outside. Then I sat something strange, the twin butlers were bowing down to Sawada. After a little while I notice a black hummer limo arriving, with the same symbol(which she now assume as the Vongola 'Enterprise' symbol). Another butler came out and went to bow down to Sawada too. That butler seems to be telling them that we are going to leave soon, since I saw all of them walked toward the hummer. The butler in charge of this limo already started the vehicle and is waiting for the hummer to take the lead. As I saw all of them walking I notice how Sawada had a slight elegance in his walk, unlike how he usually walk. Hmm... this trip seems to be more interesting than I thought it would be... I ended up dosing off into a light sleep as I rethink of everything strange...


Kay, I'm the author(of course, who else). I would like to say thanks for reading, and that I don't own KHR or the picture used in this chapter. But I may have edit some pictures. This picture is a random one on google, I have not watch the anime if this picture is from any anime. I only own the Ocs that are use in this chapter. Sorry if the translations are off, and if the characters' personalities are off. Sorry if the story has too much details and if it was slow.


*Did you like this Omake? Anyway I can make it better?(Cause I think it was bad) Should I make more Omake or just focus on the story?

*Should this person appear more? If yes, should the person be an 'insert' character?


~Sorry for those of you who thought that this was a chapter~

~But the next update will  be where we left off last~

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