Chapter 1 Part 2

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Chapter One Part 2:

Lucy's POV:


We got through Chorus and headed off to lunch. We always sit at the same table since freshman year. It's outside under a small tree. When it rains or is really cold we sit next to the doors of the chorus room. The rule is no food in the chorus room. The four of us sat at the table , got our lunches, and finally started talking to each other.

"Okay Sally, spill," I said.

" guys know my cousin in Virginia, right?"

Dana, Delilah and I were shocked that she brought him up. Her cousin's name is West. He's so full of himself. He came to Sally's 17 birthday last year and he was no fun. He hit on me, Dana, and Delilah while we were all sitting there. Of course, we all turned him down. He's in 11 grade and he's really tall, about 6'. No one really likes him.

"Why? He's not here, right?" Dana said with a pleading look.

We all look at Sally, who says nothing.

"What!?" Dana said.

"Why?" I said.

"His parents are going on a cruise, but can't take West because of his grades apparently. So my 'oh so great' parents are letting him stay with us for 2 weeks."

"No I got to add some bad news." I said.

"What could possibly be worse than what I've got to deal with?" Sally said.

"Apparently my dad's school friends with the Bryants," they looked shocked so I paused to let that sink in, "so my parents are having them over for dinner on Thursday."

They all squealed, making my ears bleed!

"Guys! Stop! It's bad because I don't like him remember!" I said. They all rolled their eyes at me. I groaned.

"We all know! You have a grudge against him since he called you a nerd in 7th grade." Sally said.

"Yeah and now everyone assumes I am." I said.

Once the 'Great Walter Bryant' says something or does something. It's Everyone obeys or does the same thing just to please him. Although, I'm an exception I don't see the point in mimicking a guy, who I barely know, when I could be doing other soccer.

We all got off topic and started talking about other things. Dana and I talked about the book that we are both reading while Sally an Delilah talk about shopping or something along those lines. When the bell rang, Sally said "see ya later," while Dana, Delilah, and I went to our virtual class.

It's a room where there is nothing, but computers. We have a teacher, Mr. Cameron. He mostly tells us if we are too loud or if we need to get work done in our virtual class. The virtual class can be anything as long as it's worth 1 credit. Since I hadn't chosen it yet and I still needed a virtual class credit. I chose H.O.P.E. or Health Opportunities through Physical Education. Delilah chose French II and Dana chose H.O.P.E. with me, so we can do semester projects together. Dana and I were working on our lessons together, when 'the oh so great' Walter Bryant came bursting in the class doors.

"Nice of you to join us Walter. Why are you late this time?" said Mr. Cameron.

"There was a commotion during lunch. I tried to stop it, but got injured. Been in the nurses office ever since. Before you ask I have a note from her."

He hands the note to the teacher. Mr. Cameron looks at Walter skeptically, then read the note.

"You got lucky this time. The only seat not taken is by Ms. Parker."

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