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[Taken from Wikipedia]

[at the gold depository of Fort Knox]

Skipper: Private, if you could have anything you wanted in the whole wide world, what would it be?
Private: Well, gee, Skipper. I think to be a meaningful and valued member of this team.
Skipper: Oh, well, we got you something else.[Camera pans to a vending machine in the break room]
Private: A vending machine?
Skipper: Well, not just any vending machine, Private. The last remaining home in America's nanny states for those succulent and chemically-hazerdous bits of puffed heaven called...
Private: [gasps] Cheezy Dibbles!
Skipper: [gives Private a coin] Happy ding-dong birthday, ya little scamp![In response, Private pecks Skipper on the cheek, followed by Kowalski, finally giving one to Rico, only for the latter to hold Private for ten seconds]
Skipper: You mess with the bull, you get the horns, Private. Now hit that machine and get your present.[Private tosses the coin into the machine and tries to reach in the slot to get the bag]
Skipper: We just broke in the most secure facility in North America. Do you know what that means?
Kowalski: We're wanted criminals who will be on the lam for the rest of their lives, always feeling the hot breath of Johnny Law on our necks?
Skipper: No! It means, as elite units go, we're the elitist of the elite. Top shelf in the bureau. The penultimate... Plus one. [as Private struggles to get the packet out from the vending machine he ends up getting pulled into the machine]Where'd Private go?[they walk over closer to the vending machine]Kowalski: Oh, there he is. [the penguins see Private is stuck up in the machine] D3.
Skipper: Oh, Private. How much is he?
Kowalski: He's three dollars and fifty cents, sir.
Skipper: Well, that's outrageous. Even for Private.[Suddenly, an octopus tentacle comes out of the vending machine slot, grabs Rico and takes him into the machine]
Kowalski: Sir, the machine is alive![the octopus tentacle comes out of the vending machine again and takes Kowalski]
Skipper: [angrily] Well, I don't think I like your attitude, vending machine. Or your prices! [in battle stance] Release them! [the tentacle comes back out and grabs Skipper in]

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