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Private: Ooh, another one!
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico: NO! [they stop Private from pushing the button. Suddenly, drops of water comes down on the panel and on the flippers. The penguins look up to see a scientist in a white lab coat and red hair.]
Dr. Octavius Brine: Naughty, naughty. Pretty birds belong in their cages. [he is seen walking on the catwalk, but the camera shows that he is walking upside down. He drops down and his limbs are tangled up. The penguins groan in disgust. The scientist gets himself in that tangled position and screws his head right]
Penguins: Ew!
Dr. Octavius Brine: Now, that's just hurtful. [untangles himself] And I was so happy to see you again, Skipper, [Skipper gasps] Kowalski, Rico, and sweet little Private. [flicks Private's beak] Boop!
Skipper: Who are you?
Dr. Octavius Brine: The humans know me as Dr. Octavius Brine. Renowned geneticist, cheese enthusiast, and frequent donor to NPR pledge drives. But you know me by a different much older name. A name perhaps you hope you'd never hear again. A phantom! A shadow of a former life! I am [a purple octopus emerges from the costume of Dr. Brine]
Dave: Dave![the penguins gave long surprised looks at Dave with the Dr. Brine hairpiece on his head]
Skipper: Kowalski?
Kowalski: Sorry, sir. No clue.
Dave: [takes off the hairpiece] Dave!!!
Kowalski: Dave...Dave: Dave.
Skipper: Dave?
Dave: Dave.
Private: Dave.
Dave: Dave!
Rico: Dave.[Dave gives a confused look. A cricket chirp is heard. The penguins look down to see a cricket doing the chirp, who then stops]
Cricket: Sorry. [leaves then stops and turns] Wait, wait. Uh, I live this way. [leaves]
Skipper: Go ahead, Dan, continue.
Dave: You seriously don't remember me?
Skipper: Dave! Dave! Right! Oh yeah, long time. Uh, how's the wife? [In response, Dave punches the wall above Skipper's head]
Dave: I've never been married! You may not remember me, but I could never forget you.

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