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Dan's POV
What? He wouldn't do that to me. I shook my head. "No", I said. "Listen Dan, last night, Phil kissed me, he said he wanted to be with me, and why I would choose someone like you", Jared confessed. Why would he say that? No he wouldn't. Would he? Jared wouldn't lie to me. Right? "I'm really sorry Dan, I pushed him of me as soon as his lips touched mine", he said. I nodded. I felt a tear run down my cheek. "No baby don't cry. I love you so much. Don't let Phil get between us." He put his arms around me, to hug me. I didn't hug back. I can't believe Phil. He has the nerves to do that to me. After all of what I done for him. But when he was with PJ I didn't say a thing. Even if I did have feelings for him. I didn't let my feelings hurt him. I supported him. I was there for him. When PJ cheated on him. I was there to help him pick up the pieces. I hate him.
Jared left my house about an ago. I stayed in my room. Crying out all of my tear out. I decided to go to Phil's house. To talk to him about everything. Once I got there, I knocked on his door. When he opened the door. I slapped him. I not really sure why I did it. I just felt like I needed to. "What the fuck Dan? What the fuck is your problem" he yelled. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you and my boyfriend kissed. Let's start with that you bastard." I yelled back. "What?" He asked. "Don't you dare fucken play dumb with me. Last night you two kissed." I yelled. "Dan... I didn't mean for it to happen. I swear. It only lasted two seconds" he replied. So he did kiss him. Why would he do that to me. "So I'm guessing the rest is also true. Right?" I said coldly. "Rest?" "Please don't fucken lie to me! Why did you kiss him!" I screamed. "Me kiss him. No! Never! He kissed me Dan. I would never do that to you. Who do you think I am", he screamed back. "An asshole that's who" I replied. "Fuck you Dan. If you even believe me. Then we aren't even best friends. You can't even trust me. What kind of friend does that. I would of believed you..." He said sounding quieter in the end.
Ow that hurt. Physically and emotionally. "Fuck you too Phil. I don't even know why I became friends with you in the first place. All you did was torture me. I thought you were different. I thought we would be best friends forever. But I fucken guess not. I regret it all..." I yelled back. I don't know why I said that. I just felt like I had to. He hurt me. "Get the fuck out now! Also next time Dan. Get your fucken facts straight bitch" he screamed. I couldn't help but a tear run down my cheek. I started to walk home, but decided to go to Starbucks to cool down a bit. Then I headed to Jared's house and sort things out with him.

Phil's POV
I can't believe him. Supposedly I'm suppose to be his best friend, but he can't even believe me. Who even told him-JARED! He told him. Fuck him. Why would he tell him. If he was the one who kissed me. Also what rest. I ran out of my house and ran to his. Once I got there I banged on his door. "JARED ANSWER THE FUCKEN DOOR!!" After a while of knocking he finally answered the door. "What the fuck" Jared said. I couldn't hold it back. I punched him in the face. Be punched me back in the gut. Losing a gust of wind. I kicked him in the legs and punched him in the jaw. He winced in pain. He punched me in the eye. I knew that was going to leave a bruise. Fuck this shit. I'm tired of this. I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor in pain. "What the fuck is wrong with you" I heard someone say. It wasn't Jared saying that. He was still on the floor holding his balls. I turned around to see a very pissed of Dan. He had a tear rolling down his cheek. Shit!
"Dan I'm so-
"Shut the fuck up Phil. I hate you. How could you. He's my boyfriend. Your my best friend. Why would you."
"Dan! Before you shut me out of your life. Listen to me. Make Jared tell you the truth. He's lying. Also Jared go fuck yourself."
He just stood there. Not saying a word. I walked away. It was fun while it lasted. He grabbed my shoulder and said "I honestly don't know who to believe." He said. "You kinda already made your choice Dan." I pulled my shoulder away from him. "Goodbye Dan." I walked away. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and didn't look back....

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