Chapter 16

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Dan's POV
Phil said that he wants to get a tattoo of a skull. That's all I paid attention to. I was just staring at him. I can't believe he had a crush on me. Was he the one in the closet? Could explain why he ran away. "Phil?,"I asked. I think he was talking about trees. Not really sure why though. No one really mention anything about trees. He's strange. "Yeah Dan?", he replied. He sounds sad. Like he was when I was dating Jared. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" he replied smiling. It was a forced smile though. I miss his real smile. That bright smile he use to have it, that smile would light up my whole world. Every time he smiled at me, I got butterflies in my stomach. I know cliche, but I did. "Were you the one in the closet with me." I asked him. He just stood there...

Phil's POV
I don't know what I was even saying honestly. I was just trying to keep us out of an awkward situation. Which meant talking about trees. Why? I don't even know. "Phil?" I heard Dan say. We are walking to his house right now to work on the project. "Can I ask you something" Dan said. "Yeah," I responded. "Were you the one in the closet?", he said. That made me stop. I just stood there. Not saying anything. Should I tell him the truth? What else can it do to us? We aren't even friends so why should I not tell him. "Yeah, but it doesn't matter, I don't have feelings for you." I replied with no emotion. I kinda felt bad when he said ''oh...", really sadly. But I shouldn't care. Why should I he is not a true friend. "Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, why did you and Jared break up?", I kinda want to know. Ok I really want to know. "Well we just didn't fit well together, we weren't meant to be." He said. I can tell he was lying though. "Ok that's one way of putting it. What's the real reason?" I responded. "Ihadfeelingforsomeoneelse" he said really fast. I barely even understood what he said. "Really who?" I asked. I was pretty intrigued. "Can't say" he said.

3rd Persons POV
Once Dan and Phil got to Dan's house. Dan ran straight to his the bathroom. Leaving Phil standing awkwardly in the living room. Dan regretted asking Phil that. Its just broke his heart. Dan doesn't know if he had feelings for Phil. Maybe he does. Even if he did. Phil wants nothing to do with Dan. After Dan did his business, he ran back down stairs. Phil wasn't there anymore. Dan went to check his room. Where Phil was just standing there looking through Dan's video game.

"I remember when you dared me to kiss a toilet" Phil said out of no where. Which startled Dan. "Yeah that was something" Dan said feeling really awkward. "When I had to sit on you and you moved, which caused me to land on top of you. I had the urge to kiss you. I'm not really sure why." He said. "Me too", Dan whispered. Making sure Phil didn't here him. "I honestly don't know why I let you into my life" Phil said a bit harsh. That hurt Dan. Phil had moved on. Actually no he hasn't, he's trying to, he really is. But its hard for him. He knows that he can't get over Dan. He's his little flower boy. He's madly crushing on him. "Oh wow um-thanks that means a lot." Dan said trying his best not to sound sad. "No I didn't mean it like that. I just- well I knew we weren't the same. You were this innocent, sweet guy and I'm just a guy that everyone's afraid of. But I'm weak and wanted something that I knew wasn't good for either of us. I knew one of us would end up getting hurt" Phil said. Phil meant that. He knew that one of them would get hurt. But he didn't listen to himself. He really wanted Dan. No not like that but in like a best friend. He never actually ever had a real best friend. Jared... Yeah he's nice and a good friend but he's not what he wants in friend. He wants someone who will be there for him no matter what. Dan was there for him.

Dan's POV
      Wow, I thought. I didn't know he felt that way. It's all my fault, Phil got hurt. "Phil... I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I know I should of believed you. But you mean more to me than anything else. I know we stopped being friends and stuff. But I was glad we had to be partners for this project. It gave me a chance to make things up. I know that's going to be hard but I can't bare to loose you" I stopped talking and walked close to him and gave him a really tight hug. He hugged back. I missed his hugs. They are different from anybody else. They're more warmer and safe. I think Im in love with him. But I can't let that ruin our friendship. He pulled away and stared at me. He glanced down to lips and eyes. I don't think he noticed that I can see what he's doing. He started to lean in. So did I. We were a few centimeters apart. Until Phil stopped. He coughed and said "ok so Japan. How do we make this?". He walked to my desk and pulled out his binder. "Hey Phil?" I asked. Trying to make this less awkward. "Yeah Dan" he replied. "Do you know a good place where I can get my ears pierced?" I asked. "Yeah I can take you later if you want" he replied. "Yeah that would be great." That's it. From then on we just worked on the project. Until Phil said he was tired and took me to the piercing place. I think we're doing pretty good. Hopefully....

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