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Jared's Pov
We went inside and I made Dan some hot cocoa. I got myself some ice for you know my um private parts. To be honest I deserved it. I fucked up big time. I don't want to lose Phil. He really was a great friend. "Jared I want you tell me the truth. Nothing but the truth." Dan said with no emotion at all. I nodded. I'm so ashamed of myself. I never thought I would scoop down this low. But I guess I did. I don't know what's wrong with me. I literally tortured Dan and he gave me a chance and I went and kissed his best friend. But Dan  just had this connection with Phil. That I could never have with Dan. I was jealous of him. Dan likes him. More than a friend. I know he does. Like no friend stares at another friend like that. "Why did you lie to me" he asked. I wasn't really sure how to answer this. "I-I just got jealous. You seem to really like Phil. More than me, but I shouldn't have done what I did", I confessed. "Jared..I love you" he said. He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately. I shook my head and pulled away. "I can't Dan, you love Phil...I know you do," I replied. "What are you sayi- Goodbye Dan." I interrupted. He just nodded and walked to the door. "Thank you Jared," he said before waking out the door.

Dan's Pov
What did I do. I ruined my friendship will Phil. I went home and changed into a pastel blue over sized jumper with white leggings. I laid in bed thinking about what Jared said, "You know you love him." Do I love Phil? I did. I do... I laid in bed about an hour now, trying to decide whether to text Phil or not. Ah..fuck it, I'll just text him.

Me: Hi Phil... I'm really sorry. I should have believed you. Honestly, I don't even know why I didn't believe you. You are my best friend. I should have believed you in the first place.

Phil:): This phone had been disconnected. Message will deliver once reconnected.

I kept texting over and over. The message actually went. Finally, but he didn't even read it. Why isn't he answering. After another while of trying to get a hold of Phil, I decided to just walk to his house. But before I went over there, I fixed my hair and put on a flower crown. I felt better this way than wearing all black.

Once I got to his house, I knocked on the door. His mom answered the door. I actually never met his mom. She looks a lot like Phil, like a little to much. "Hi I' Phil's he here?"I said. "Hi Dan, no he is not here, he went to the park, if you want to go meet him over there," she replied. "Thank you," I said. I left and started walking to the park. Once I got there, I saw Phil on the bench. He had beer bottles all around him. "Phil?" I whispered. I walked in front of him, he was crying. It physically hurted me to see him crying like that. I hugged him. "Go away Dan," he said quietly. "No. I'm really sorry Phil, I should've believed you." He got up and pushed me up against a tree. The tree barks hurt my back. "But you didn't, did you? I actually thought that you would've believed me. Since we're "best friends", but guess what, no one ever trusts me. Since I'm what you call an asshole. I may not dress in all color like you, but I like myself, even if you don't. Honestly, I don't even know why I ever liked you. I thought you were different. I had a crush on you," he said looking straight into my eyes. This took me by shock. He had a crush on me. 'Dan he's drunk. 'He probably doesn't know what he's saying. Drunk words. Sober thoughts, our science teacher thought us that. Even though he kept just staring at me. He kept his grip on my chest,"Nice talk Dan. Bye." With that he left. Gone. If by any hope, I'll be able to see him in school.

**One Week Later**

Phil's Pov
I haven't gone to school for about a week now. Mom said that I have to go back to school now. I'm not allowed to skip anymore. I don't want to see Dan though. He's been trying to get a hold of me by calling, texting, tweeting, and any other possible way to get a good of someone. I have ignored everything from him. I'm in the process of getting ready for school. I just finished taking a shower. Straightened my hair. I put on a plain black t-shirt with black jeans and black converse. I think about 5 days ago I got snakebites. They're really awesome: I've been wanting these piercings my whole life. I also got my first tattoo. It's a dragon. I left my house and started  walking. Dan's on the other side of the street. He honestly looked very nice. He was wearing an ombré jumper with white jeans and white converse. Also a blue flower crown. See we're way too different. We don't even go together. But hey I'm over that. That kiss in the closet was nothing. He didn't feel anything anyways. I didn't feel anything. He doesn't even know who it was. That's a good thing. Once I arrived at school, I was being pampered by everyone. Asking about my new piercings and tattoo. Was I enjoying it? Kind of. When the bell rang, I headed for my first period. Which is art. I was glad. Mrs. Jenkson said that I needed a partner for another project. And guess who was the only one left. Dan. Seriously, that boy needs to talk more. So he isn't always alone.

After class, Mrs. Jenkson said for me and Dan to stay behind. "Since you two have been gone for a week, you have to be partners for this new project," Mrs. Jenkson said. Dan's been gone for a week too? He has bags under his eyes. He's wearing make up to cover it, I could tell. I nodded. "You have to build a sculpture of somewhere you have always wanted to go to," she said. Easy Japan. "If it's two different places, then you need to try combining the two places together," she continued. Me and Dan nodded. "Also, you guys have a week to do this, I suggest doing this at home because you won't have enough time to be doing this in class...okay," she said. We nodded. After the rest of explaining she had to do about the project, we were allowed to leave the class. Jared was waiting outside the door. I'm guessing to talk to Da- " Hey Phil, can we talk?" Jared said. Honestly, I'm not even mad at him anymore. Never was actually. I just cared too much about my friendship with Dan. It ended up being a mistake anyways. "Yeah, what's up?" I replied."okay let's walk to 2nd period,"he said. We did have second period together anyways. Also with Dan though. He sits next to me. I should ask to move. "Okay Phil, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did what I did. I actually did know why, but I didn't mean it. I was just jealous and I thought I could stop you and Dan from being friends so I could stop being jealous. Because Dan never loved me as much as he loved you." He rambled.  I DON'T CARE!!, I screamed in my head. "It's okay, Jared don't sweat it. Me and Dan just weren't meant to be friends anyways, so I don't really care," I replied. We stayed quiet the whole time we were walking to second period. Not a awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence. When we finally got to second period, Dan was there. Jared sat in his seat. I sat in my seat, which was next to Dan. I didn't say a word for most of the period. Half way through the period I notice a note on my desk.

Hi Phil,
I know you don't want to talk to me, but um I was hoping if you would like to come over to my house so we could work on our project. I mean you don't have to. I can do all the work. Doesn't matter. I wanted to go to Japan my whole life, so I could do that for our project. Or I could do yours. Also cool snakebites.
P.S. Nice dragon tattoo.

The note made me smile. I always wanted to go to Japan too.

Hi flower crown,
Japan is perfect. I always wanted to go to Japan. And thanks. And yes, I could come over to your house after school.
Hi snakebite,
We both smiled at each other and looked away....

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