intro and back story

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Poofless : Mine.

Setting: in woofless minecraft world but still as them selves


Chapter one

Preston and rob wandered around in the forest looking for cocoa beans to try and make a chocolate cake but Preston has not told rob what it is for,Preston is moving far far away, so he's going to tell rob today that he is moving and has to leave him behind even though he doesn't want to.

Preston POV

We had finally gotten enough cocoa to make a chocolate cake and its about time I tell Rob that I'm moving in the morning to the other side of the map. I kind of dont want to go but I have already made up my mind. Besides I must make my dad the villager proud and meet a lady to marry eventually. I just haven't gotten the nerve to admit I swing the other way if you know what I mean....anyway while the cake is baking I am going to tell Rob "rob we need to talk" is said quite timidly very unlike myself "sure Preston what about?" asked rob obviously clueless. "I'm moving tomorrow morning to the other side of the map." I say without pondering it any longer. His expressions change from disbelief to grief then anger? And determination I queer.


"I'm moving tomorrow morning to the other side of the map." said Preston to myself. What? He can't be he can't...I can't believe he's leaving me I love I won't let him leave not ever he's mine. Growled my inner voice but I just replied with a very monotoned "oh..." "I know it is short notice and all but I'm ready to leave as soon as dawn comes tomorrow I am really sorry Rob and I'll go check everything once again before I leave..." said Preston quietly while I just nodded already making a plan in my mind

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