I need a life lol

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Dam spiders I had to respawn twice because they killed me. But that doesn't matter right now im on my way to go....how shall I say this....collect vikk. Its 9 p.m. And Rob texted me saying he had to deal with Preston but that I could come over now and take vikk...I over slept and I'm tired but vikk is shorter than me so it shouldn't be too much more difficult. I hope he's asleep.....*time skip to where he is inside vikk home* wow too easy I take vikks suitcase and through it in the minecart but not before taking his phone. Now time to find vikk. I walk into his room to find that he is asleep his hair so soft but still slightly damp as I run my fingers through it. I tie him up without waking him up. But when I tried to pick him up he arose and seemed confused "Lachlan why are you in my room?why am I tied up?!" he is so cute when he's nervous or panicked...who am I kidding he's cute whenever. But sadly I had to cover his mouth with my hand to keep him from yelling for help and I scooped him up and carried him the the minecart with no problems. I mean he squirmed but THAT was to be expected. Now of to Rob and our soon to be new home.

I had to show Preston who he belongs to. I know it hurt him but he'll learn to love it soon enough because now he's mine. I've marked him to prove my point. He's asleep again and the only reason I'm not with him is because I'm waiting for Lachlan to get here so that I can show him the house and where he will sleep and where to put vikk at least until the time being until we figure out a better way of making sure they don't escape.

I can't believe Rob did that. The last thing I had to give and he took it while hurting me in the progress. I'm so tired and my wrists are starting to hurt from being tied to the bed for so long....well at least now I don't have to get a girlfriend.

always on the bright side aren't ya purston XD

poofless and Vikklan (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now