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It was raining heavily that night, the light street not functioning again as usual and happen everytime in this bad weather. He had no choice but to drive slowly depends only on his car highlight.

"Almost home... just after this corner" he mumble to himself slightly annoyed with everything, the weather, the slow driving and the fact that he been left alone. Not even a single word from the members for his birthday, 10 years of friendship but they forget his birthday. They supposedly to have dinner together and it's him who suggest that, hoping the members got the hint but they all refused saying they have a things to do and continue with their dance practice before ended the day. Unbelievably all of them, rejecting him.

The sudden phone rings make him startled, glancing at the passenger seat next to where he placed the phone but he ignored when he knew it was his member whose calling. Eyes back on the road, but when he saw someone lying on the road in front, he hit the brakes to stop the car. Too sudden that makes him almost bump his head on the steering wheel.

He froze for a few minutes with lots of questions on his head. 'Did he just hit the person?', 'Did he killed someone?'. He hesitated for a moment before turning off the engine and got out of the car to look at the situation, despite the heavy rain pouring down.

The body lying on the road was a small figure of a lady. Lying on her side with her long hair covering her face. Looking at her condition that fully wet, she might be unconscious for quite sometime. Wearing a white shirt, a jeans and sneakers is the only thing he notice with nothing beside her, not even a bag.

"Miss..." he shake her body slowly, but still no response. He turned the small body and put her head in his laps, and check the pulses. He let out a sigh of relief when he could feel a weak pulse. He immediately took her and put her in the back seat.

Back infront on the driver seat, turn on the engine and start driving. Soaking wet by the rain but he didn't felt the coldness, he had his eyes focused on the road but his thoughts linger about the lady at the back seat. Years of searching for her after she leave him but when he ready to let go of his feelings of missing her, they meet again but under this unexpected situation.

Luckily it was late at night and with the heavy rainfall, no one is at the condominium lobby except for the guard on duty. He carried her up and the guard help him with the elevator button.

"What happens? Need a doctor?" the old man looks worried.

"Not really sure... can you call ajummah to open the door for me? he said walking inside the elevator.

"Hope she's still there but your friends come not long ago, I will intercom them to open the door for you" he leave him after pressing the floor button and rush to the counter.

While waiting the elevator to reach the 17 floor, he looks at her, the face that he longed for years somehow now in his arms and he wonders about what actually happens to her. The ding sound notifying the elevator have reach the 17 floor, wake him from his own thoughts and he walked out from the elevator rushing to get to the house.

"Hyung what happened?" the youngest member is outside the house waiting for him with the door open.

"The ajummah is still here?" he said without answering the question, entered the house and to his room walked past the living room where all of his members was there, looking at him bewildered by the scene in front of them.

All of them then rushing into his room, still surprise looking at him after he put her on his bed and sitting on the bedside, caressing her face.

"Aigoo what happened to you, go get change before you sick" the ajummah then held his arms for him to get up and change.

"All of you out from the room, i will take care of this young lady" she said to all of them.

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