Prologue: What it all could mean?

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Dreams. What are they exactly? Creations of the mind or simply nothing? I've always been fascinated by the wonder of it. What it all could mean? I've always wanted to know and even to this day I have no clue.

From the age of five I remember asking my mom to buy me a special notebook. She of course didn't know what I meant by 'special' nor I was planning on telling her. I was only given a regular crappy notebook, but I didn't complain. Every morning I would write down my dreams, the parts that I remembered at least. That's the funny part that I've realized since I could remember my dreams, you don't recall the entire thing. Sometimes you don't dream at all, or do you? What can it mean? I don't have the answer.

Every morning after I've written every detail I can remember, I would try to make some sense of it. Although I never got a clear answer at the end, I didn't give up. By the age ten, my mom got more interested in what I would write so she bought me a computer. It was a huge thing for me back then, a computer was like giving me a million dollars. With those millions dollars I thought I would find my answer. But it only lead me to more unanswered questions and those unanswered questions lead me to the career I have. Taking all my secrets out I came to realize that I can actually trust my mom. But I should have known better. Only if I knew what I know now I would have never involved my only parent into this, because only someone cruel would. I wish I wasn't such a curious child because maybe, just maybe I could have avoided growing up into a nightmare.

So maybe when I was a child I had big plans for my future. Who doesn't? I had no clue I was headed into a catasthrope. No one can see the future, that I do know. Well, not exactly. I don't have the exact answer for that either. Its complicated. What I do know is this: I was born for a specific reason. To save the world or fight evil, whatever you want to call it. I see it as being a helper. I was meant to be born curious and thinking outside the box. I was choosen. For what? I wish I knew.

I can't quite explain this ability I have. But all the steps I made in my last twenty-five years of my life, lead me to this moment here, right now.

A room filled with silence. I don't see anything so my guess is I'm blindfolded. I'm uncomfortably sitting somewhere with my arms tied up. This isnt a good sign of course and I can feel the negativity in the air. I'm breathing it in and out, as my hearts bumping so hard against my chest. For any other person this would be terrifying but would still have hope. Theres a 50/50 chance they'll live but for me, considering I already saw my death, not so much.

A door is slammed opened, I hear men speaking in a different language. I'm untied and the blindfold is removed.

This is exactly what I saw. Its happening.

Does my story have a happy ending?

A person could only dream.

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