Life with McFly

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Laura and Alex are two McFly obsessed girls fantasizing about living life on the road with McFly. The unexpected happens and they meet their favourite people in the world.  With all the drama that goes on who knows what will happen?

-That little notey thing before the actual story-

The clock on the purple wall of Laura’s room read 3:45. 15 more minutes and Alex would be getting dropped off at hers. They had to get ready to go to the Memory Lane UK tour. The hours had been dragging all day. Neither of the girls went to University and they didn’t yet have a job, so being stuck at home all day made her want to cry. She got up off her bed and opened her laptop on her desk and typed ‘YouTube’ into the search bar. She put on ‘cherry cola’ on and was bopping around her room when the door knocked downstairs. She skipped down the stairs and opened the door where her bestest friend in the whole wide world was stood.

“Hello” Alex said

“2 hours Alex! 2 hors till we see McFLY!!!” Laura screamed excitedly. The two girls went upstairs and got ready for the concert. Alex was wearing her favourite McFly Vest and her nice jeans. Laura was also wearing a McFly

T-shirt and her jeans. Anyone would think these two wear twins with their love of McFly, their clothes and their ginger hair although Alex wore her hair straight and just had the front bit pulled back and Laura had hers curly and it was no where near as long as Alex’s. The clock in the living room sang out to announce the hour. It was 6:00 and the doors opened at 7:00. They went outside and got into Laura’s car. They were on the road to McFly and guess who they were listening to…McFly. Those girls had good taste. They pulled into a space in a car park which was a 10minute walk from the Arena. When they got outside the door there was tones of fans wandering around and screaming with their friends.

“Come lets go straight in and get a good spot” Laura said walking into the big building. They were allowed to go in before everyone else because Laura’s brother owned the Arena. They got right at the front so they could have the best view. Also when the show was over they were getting taken to see the boys. They got to see the end of the rehearsal and the boys obviously noticed the girls come in because there was nobody else there.

“You alright Ladies?” Danny Jones called down to them. The girls looked at each other and giggled.

“Yeah, you?” Alex shouted back. The boys just smiled and went back to doing what they were doing. Alex and Laura just sat and talked for a while whilst everyone else was coming in. They had bought their drinks and sweets cheaper because of Laura’s brother. (We’re going to have to make him rich so we can actually go see McFly Laura) They had been sat for around 20minutes once everyone was in when the opening act came on. It was the vamps. The first song they played was their cover of ‘that girl’, Dougie popped on stage and proudly told them that he was part of that video then he ran back off. They played a few songs then they introduced McFly. The first song they played was ‘Love is easy’ both girls were singing along and dancing around with the rest of the crowed. They had a great spot, right at the front in the middle of the stage. When that song ended Tom Fletcher tried to make a joke but it seriously failed but we all laughed at his cute attempt. The next song started up and it was ‘shine a light’ then after that it was ‘party girl’. The night ended with ‘obviously’ then ‘Memory lane’ and then the boys were talking for a while and they were getting volunteers from the crowd to go up on stage and basically just mess about with them. The girls didn’t get chosen but it didn’t matter as they knew they were going to get to meet them once everyone else had.

When the concert had ended the two ginge’s walked together to where they were going to wait. They walked right next to each other.

“Laura” Alex said

“What?” Laura replied

“We’re PVAed together” Alex laughed.

When it was finally their turn to go see them they walked down the corridor and into the room where the door, was still PVAed, where they saw the boys already standing there with a smile on their face ready to meet them.

“This is Laura and her ginger friend” Laura’s brother introduced them

“Wow thanks whatsyaname” Alex replied (nah seriously I have forgot his name). The McFly boys laughed as ‘whatsyaname’ walked away.

“So, you girls coming in?” Harry asked them. They walked in and were told to sit on the sofa. The boys sat down after them on other seats. They signed things for the girls and they sat talking for hours not realising just how long. “anyone want something to eat?” Danny asked

“Do you have fruit pastilles?” Alex asked him

“Yeah in that cupboard” He replied

“C’mon Laura” They awkwardly stood up and shuffled to the cupboard then came back with the sweets. They were laughing their heads off. Laura bum-shuffled along the seat and Alex did too but Laura got caught on the chair mid bum-shuffle so Laura’s bum-shuffled got stuck on the chair so Alex bum-shuffled into Laura’s Bum-shuffle and there was a Bum-shuffle jam. They got their fruit pastilles.

“What are you doing? Dougie asked them

“We’re PVA’ed man! Shut up before I bit you!” Laura replied. (It’s a true story she does actually bite people!) When the girls finished eating their fruit pastilles they got up to leave. They took their signed CD’s and Photo’s and walked towards the door.

“Can we have your numbers?” Danny blurted out without thinking. The girls looked at each other with a big smile plastered onto their faces.

“Erm, Danny, you have to think about these things mate” Harry said “not that we don’t want your numbers”

The girls got their phones out and they exchanged numbers with the boys and then they left. 

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