Chapter 14

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The wedding didn’t go ahead. I felt so sorry for Danny standing there for ages before he was told the wedding wouldn’t be happening today. Dougie had rang me asking me where we were and I had to explain to him why we weren’t there. I knew the boys were there to comfort Danny but it wouldn’t work. He didn’t even know the truth yet! I had told Dougie to get everyone out of the venue before he told him. I knew Danny and he would have completely broken down. In front of everyone!

“Dougie” I said when I answered my phone

“Where the hell are you!? Danny is panicking here! He is in tears he thinks Laura doesn’t want to marry him” Dougie whined

“We’re in the hospital Dougie” I said while I cried.

“Come again?”

“Laura fell down the stairs and hit her head! She is unconscious!” I wailed

“Alex, I need to tell Danny!” he said

“No, Clear the guests first” I said

“I will, we’ll be there soon!”

“Hurry” I whispered

“Babe, she’ll be fine. I promise! I love you”

“Love you too” I said before the phone call ended

I returned to the room Laura was in. She was still unconscious lying on her bed. The other bridesmaids had gone home so it was just me and her, her lying there and me not doing anything but waiting. Waiting for her to wake up, waiting for the boys, waiting to see Danny’s face. All of these horrible feelings were floating around my mind.

“Laura” I whispered “Laura. Danny is on his way!”

No response

No response

“Please of you can hear me, let me know?”

Still nothing

“Laura! Can you hear me!?” I whined “For goodness sake! I feel like I’m ghost hunting!”

20mins later Danny and Dougie came into the room. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces. Dougie came straight to me squashing me in a hug. He tried to calm me down, telling me everything would be ok. Danny was by Laura’s side holding her hand whispering to her.

“Laura, I’m here. Wake up. Please? For me?” He said. I saw the tears falling onto her skin. Dougie finally released me and lead me back out of the room. We went to the waiting area. Tom and Harry were there. Both of them crying too. I took a seat next to Harry, I hugged him from my seat and we stayed like that for what seemed like ages. We were all still in our wedding clothes. They were all still perfect but the people inside them were far from it. We all looked such a mess. I was pale, I felt sick with worry. I had kicked my shoes of so was wandering the hospital with just some socks which I had in my bag for when I took my shoes off at the party.

It got to 3am and Danny still hadn’t come out of Laura’s room. I was currently in there too. Neither me nor Danny spoke to each other, just exchanged reassuring smiles.


 I couldn’t see anything, just darkness. My eyes were open but I couldn’t see anything. My head was throbbing and I could here the voice of Alex asking me to let her know if I could hear her. I tried to say something but no words came out, no sound, no movement. I tried to move my arms and legs. Nothing.

“For goodness sake! I feel like I’m ghost hunting!” I heard her say. I tried to laugh but still nothing. I didn’t know what was happening to me. The last thing I remembered was coming down the stairs ready to go to mine and Danny’s wedding. I felt so guilty. I didn’t even know if he would turn up! I felt like such a cow!

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