Going on a date

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click on the picture to see the outfit you wear
Fred: You fixed your hair one last time in the mirror before heading out of the girls restroom, tossing your bag onto your back as you exited, quickly running up to Fred, who was standing on the other side of the hallway, jumping onto his back, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist and your arms around his shoulders, giving him a small kiss on the top of his head.
He greeted you with a quick hello, instinctively wrapping his arms around your legs to support some of your weight.
After a couple minutes of being on Fred's back while he talked to George and Lee, you got down and told him you were ready to go and that class was about to start so you had to go soon.
He agreed and grabbed onto your hand, quickly telling the two goodbye as you ran down the hall together, hiding out in one of the empty classrooms until you were sure everyone had went to class.
Fred nodded towards your bag, "You grabbed it, right?"
"Of course I grabbed it, I'm not stupid!" You huffed, pulling your bag off of your back, setting it on the floor before pulling it open, extracting the invisibility cloak from it.
"Brilliant, you are."
You shook your head, playfully rolling your eyes before handing him the cloak and tossing your bag back onto your back, getting in front of him so that he could drape the cloak over the two of you. You being in front because you were shorter and needed to be able to see.
You left the classroom together, quietly creeping down the hall. You had decided to skip and explore the castle since there were parts you had yet to see and what made it even better was that Fred was considering it a date.
"One hell of a date," He muttered, staying close behind you as you continued walking.
"Indeed it is," You mumbled back, "At least we're together, right?"

George: You quickly gathered your things, heading towards the common room to meet George, a huge smile appearing on your face as you see him standing there, nervously talking with his brother.
"What if I say the wrong thing? What if I get sick? What if I say something stupid?" He rambled on, pulling at his hair as he looked at Fred frustratedly.
Fred glanced up from his brother, noticing you standing at the bottom of the stairs before looking back down at his brother, whispering something to him and nodding your way.
George turned around to see you, a blush appearing on his face as he tried to put his hair back into place, smiling brightly up at you, "Y/n!" He called to you, walking across the common room.
"Hi, handsome," You beamed, giving him a quick hug once he had reached you.
"Hi, beautiful," He replied, draping his arm around your shoulders as the two of you started to leave, bidding goodbye to Fred as he made gagging noises at the two of you.
After arriving at Hogsmeade, George guided you around to some of his favorite stores, which did include Zonko's.
He bought you a couple of things and by the end of the day, you had gotten a couple of candy quills and the jacket that George was wearing.
"It was brilliant," You grinned up at him, standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the girls dormitories.
You clutched his jacket closely to you as he spoke, "I agree, you're really nice to be around."
You leaned up onto the tip of your toes, planting a big kiss on the end of his nose before engulfing him in a tight hug, telling him goodnight and that you'd see him in the morning before pulling away and making you way up to your bed, a huge smile plastered on your face.

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