Chapter 4

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"It is much more than that my friend," Thor smiled.

"He whosoever, be he worthy shall have the power," Clint teased," whatever man it's a trick."

"Well, please be my guest," Thor invited. Sydney laughed at the gesture.

"You're joking right," she asked looking between the two.

"Come on," Thor egged Clint on.

"This is going to be beautiful," Rhodney said smiling.

"I am having a hard time deciding which of you is the bigger idiot," Syd shrugged.

"Clint you have had a tough week," Tony sympathized, "we won't judge you if you can't lift it."

Clint grunted as he pulled with all his might," I still don't know how you do it," Clint admitted defeat.

"Smell the silent judgment," Tony teased.

"If you think you got it, you do pick it up Stark," Sydney scoffed.

"If I lift it do I get to rule Asgard," asked Tony.

"Yes of course," Thor nodded along.

"I will be re-instituting prima Nocta," he boasted.

"Does your little brain even comprehend what any of that means," Sydney asked, her dress shifting slightly as she crossed her legs and leaned forward. Tony tried to lift it ignoring her comment.

"Be right back," Tony announced and proceeded to come back with an Iron man arm. "Rhodes, help," Tony whined. Rhodney put on a War Machine arm and tried to help lift.

"Are you even pulling?"

"Are you on my team?"

"Just represent fool."

Next up was Bruce who proceeded to pull and scream trying to make them think he was hulking out.

Sydney rolled her eyes at the sad attempt, "do you feel as dumb as you looked?"

"You wanna try," Tony asked.

"Uh," Sydney started to rise the plopped back down, "no."

"Come on Cap," Tony cheered when Steve stood in her place. Steve placed a firm grip on the hammer pulling, Thor and Sydney leaned forward at the sound of the hammer nearly coming off the table. Steve backed away after loosening his grip.

"Widow," Syd asked.

"Oh no, that's not a question I need answered," she laid down on the couch next to Bruce.

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king but it's rigged," a disappointed Tony explained to the room.

"You bet your ass," agreed Barton.

"Steve," Hill gasped, "he said a bad language word," she tattled.

"Did you tell everyone about that," Steve blamed Tony. Sydney laughed at the unfolding situation.

"Whosoever holds Thor's fingerprints I think is the literal translation," Tony nodded, agreeing with himself.

"Well, that is an interesting theory," Thor stood, swinging the hammer, " I have a better one, you're all not worthy," he shrugged. Everyone else groaned and laughed.

A sharp ringing sang out across the living room. Syd flinched, covering her ears.

"Worthy," came a voice, "how could you be worthy? You're all killers," Sydney became alert.

"Stark," she called out.

"Jarvis," Tony called to the program.

"Sorry, I was asleep," it apologized, "or I was a dream. There was a terrible noise. And I was tangled in...strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."

"You killed someone," Steve asked in a demanding tone.

A shabby looking robot emerged from around the corner, "wouldn't have been my first call. Down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices," Sydney felt the immediate discomfort in the room.

"Who sent you," Thor asked, growing impatient.

"I see a suit of armor around the world."

"Ultron," Bruce concluded.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet anyway. Not this chrysalis. But, I'm ready. I'm on a mission," Ultron said.

"What mission," Nat asked.

"Peace in our time," announced Ultron as bots flew out of the walls.

Before Sydney could fight back, she was grabbed by a droid and was thruster threw a window out into the night. She screamed in protest, but the bot kept flying. She struggled against it even though she knew she wasn't getting out of the grip anytime soon.

When they finally landed, she was at the feet of none other than the two enhanced she had been up again earlier in the week

"You," she gasped, but the robot held her back.

"You're angry," Wanda noted.

"Yes I'm aware. I don't have to have psychic tell me that," Sydney snarled.

"Oh feisty, yes," the boy teased her.

"Sydney Carter, interesting name. You are an Avenger, no," the girl asked slowly.

"Let me guess a soon to be dead one? Are you out on some sort of revenge on us," Syd asked losing her patience quickly.

"Just one," Pietro growled.

"Follow me," the bot ordered, still carrying Sydney, who was now huffing at being carried.

"Where," Wanda asked.

"To a person of interest," Ultron's voice came out the iron legion's body. Sydney felt her anxiety rise as they neared the church in Sokovia.

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