Chapter 4

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I was walking home from the supermarket. That was crazy!
John Cena gave me his phone number on my way out of the store!!
And he put a little heart next to his name !!
I held the piece of paper in my hand as I walked home. Imagine if I never went to the supermarket today?

* later that day *
It was almost midnight and I was in my house watching my favorite TV show called "Jonathan William Cena- the story of his life " . I couldn't fall asleep because all I could think about was that I HAD JOHN CENA's PHONE NUMBER!!
I pulled my phone out of my pocket , unlocked it, and texted John Cena. I had been starting at the number so much today I had memorized it. I
Texted him: hi john Cena! It's [your name] ! I just wanted to say hello !
I pressed send.
About fifteen minutes later, I got a text back from him! He wrote: hello [your name] how are you? Are you free in 2 days from now?
Does John Cena want to spend time with me?? I'm freaking out! I thought.

I replied back: I'm good thank you for asking !! Yes I am free in 2 days why do you ask??
5 minutes later, he answered: do you want to go on a date with me? It could be anywhere im free that day
I was literally crying of happiness! John Cena, my hero, wants to go on a date with me!!
I answered back: I would love to go on a date with you !!!!! Do you want to go to a restaurant or something?
He answered right after: How does McDonald's sound?
That's the most romantic restaurant ever! I answered: perfect!!
He replied: great! I have to get going now I have a big wrestling match tomorrow!
I replied: good luck! Bye :))
He answered: bye [your name] !

JOHN CENA- a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now