Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe what had happened.

He was alive a minute ago.

Today, I received a painfully sad call via my flip phone.

John Cena was dead.

And it was all my fault.

He was looking at a photo of me on Instagram while he was driving, and well, he crashed his car.

And died.

And now I have to live forever feeling guilty and somehow responsible for a random celebrity's death  who I never had a chance with anyway and is also responsible enough to make his own decisions, even whilst taking steroids constantly. He could've put his phone down before driving.

But he wasn't being safe at all.

He put his life and others lives at risk, he could've killed someone, and he did. Himself.

He will never kill another person. He will never harvest anymore dank memes. He will never be able to enjoy his steroid-filled life. 

And that is part of the problem. 

He was addicted to steroids. He stole his friends and family's money for steroids. He committed that crime to other strangers as well, for ten years untill finally he was first suspected and confronted. He argued that steroids weren't cheap, and he wouldn't have stolen money and robbed business and killed thousands of innocent people if steroids were cheaper.

So then, that year, the price of steroids started to drop. But not enough. John Cena started the first Steroid and Drug Donation Center, untill several months later steroids were almost free, and with help from John Cena's merchandise store, John Cena had enough money for all steroids in the universe. So he decided to give back to society and make 'John Cena's Steroids Store' back in 1738. 

Then soon after, he became obsessed.

Everything had steroids.

His clothing had steroids.

His body had steroids.

His face had steroids.

And soon, so did his heart and his personality.

Nothing mattered to him but steroids. 

He had soon forgotten about his family, friends, and Nikki Bella.

He devoted his life to steroids and drugs.

So many people in his life, and his fans tried to convince him that he didn't need steroids, he was perfect. But nothing could convince him out of it.

Millions of John Cena's fans around the world were upset about John Cena's addiction and started to do horrible things. They tried to kill other people, they tried to hurt other people, they tried to rob stores to raise money to give to John Cena to convince him that money was more important than steroids.

They stole over 1.9 million dollars in two months, and gave John Cena the money. Instead of saving it, he spent it on even more steroids. When millions of fans around the world found out about his decisions, they all lost hope.

He was gone. 

Untill nearly ten years later, there were no more steroids left on earth. 

John Cena had a dream that night that somewhere out there in the world, there was a person who was the keeper of all steroids and still had all steroids. In the dream, he was told he had to fall in love with that person to reach Steroid Level 69.

He became obsessed with trying to date and fuck people.

So I guess that leads us to where we are today, John Cena died fantasizing about another person he wanted to unlock steroids from.

But his dream was purely fictional.

Everything that took place in his dream would never happen in real life.


 Author's Note: I'm very sorry to inform you about this heartbreaking chapter. I cried so much while writing it. Steroids do change a person./

This chapter had a different meaning as well.

Never become obsessed with steroids.

And don't let your dreams be dreams.

JOHN CENA- a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now