Chapter 2

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    I opened my eyes to a bright light. My eyes adjusted to see that I was strapped upright to a metal table. I looked around the room to find it dark and gray with only a single bright light above me. I could make out a dark mirror which I knew would be a window for an observing area. I could feel eyes on me as I looked at my reflection. I saw the gash on my head had bleed down my face and was now dried. I winced as I tried to move my arms to reveal that they had been strapped down with leather and winced as feeling that my shoulder was still dislocated. I was now just in my sports bra and jeans and could see the small screw pushing against the skin of my upper hip in fact out of place and black and blue with the swelling.
    The door to my right opened as four men in lab coats wheeled in a cart. The masked man in black with the metal arm followed in behind them. As they came towards me putting covered vials in slots on either side of me.
        The metal arm man turned towards the window and said, "Experiment 0013 about to begin. We have found the recipient of the first injection and traces are still within her. We have kept her in the same condition she was found in two days ago to see if her condition was affected by the first injection. It was not."
    They had kept me unconscious for two days! A man in a lab coat came up to me with a syringe and took a blood sample from my arm.
    "We are now going to the use the now modified mixture on this woman. Prepare braces and the vita-gamma pod. We begin in 3...2...1..." The man said as he pressed a button next to him and braces with spikes came down on my arms, chest, stomach and legs. I felt a burning sensation as the vials emptied their contents into my system. I winced at the searing hot pain and shut my eyes. I heard something turn on and the light was blocked out. I opened my eyes to see through the small window as the searing pain continued. The men outside of the pod put on tinted goggles as a light turned on inside all around me. I screamed as the hot searing pain got so bad that it was almost cold. I clinched my fists as to hold back the tears that were coming from the horrendous pain.
    "Heart rate and brain activity over the average of previous experiments sir." I heard a man say.
    "We're losing the experiment!" I heard the voice.
    "Keep going! She can make it! She has the first dose! Continue with the procedure." I heard the distinct voice of the metal armed man.
    "She's going to die if we don't stop now. The monitors are no longer reading her vitals sir."
    "We have to shut it down!" Another man said. "We don't want the same outcome as the last three!"
    I screamed harder as the pain got worse and worse. I felt my muscles start to clinch and my hip began to move. The screw came out of my hip now and fell to the floor of the pod and I yelled in more pain. I felt my shoulder move and I screamed harder.
    "We have to abort the experiment! Now Razor, before there is nothing left to salvage!" I heard men say.
    "Fine!" I heard Razor say. What was wrong with me that they decided that I was a failure and needed to die. The pod opened as the pain began to subside. I opened my eyes to see Razor and the doctors. A doctor came up to me and injected something.
    "It's not working!" A doctor said.
    "She should be dead by now!" another said. "Maybe it actually worked."
    "Only one way to find out" Razor said as he came towards me pulling a knife from the holster on the side of his leg throwing it up and grabbing it before he sent in plunging into my stomach. "Goodbye" he said.
    I erupted in a scream as I looked down. Wait, that wasn't my stomach, No way. I wasn't ever that tone in my core. What did they do to me? I looked back up into Razor's cold grey eyes. As I heard a crash from outside the door.
    A soldier stormed in.
    "Razor, sir. The compound is under attack. We need reinforcements." the soldier said.
    Razor pulled the knife from my stomach as it started oozing blood. "And just when I was starting to have fun." he said as he tucked the knife back.
    "Who is it?" Razor asked as the crashes got louder and closer to the room. I began to feel cold as I heard the soldier say.
    "I don't know but there is many of them sir and they're strong. Taking out our men with one punch." He said frantically.
    "Then we must retreat" Razor said turning and directing the men to pick things up. "Leave the failure to die." He said before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. The men around me began to hurriedly gather the equipment around me as the crashing got closer. And explosion came from right outside the door. And the door blew open hitting the floor. The smoke was heavy and I couldn't make out the shadows that entered the room kicking the doctors and punching them. My eyelids felt heavy as I heard footsteps run to in front of me.
    "Oh my God" I heard a voice whisper as hands found mine.
    "Hey! Can you hear me? Open your eyes!" The voice said. I fluttered my eyelids trying to open them but couldn't. My throat was so dry that I could barely make out a groan in pain.
    I heard stuff being cut and the braces left my body as I fell forward.
    "Easy. I got you." I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and legs.
    "Cap!" I heard a distant voice.
    "In here!" My rescuer said. "We need a medic."
    I opened my eyes to the bright light and the silhouette of a mans face.
    "It's alright ma'am. Help is on the way." the voice said "just hang in there." That was the last thing I heard before I finally blacked out.

Experiment 13: A Captain America Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now