Chapter 5

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I washed my face and tied my hair into a low ponytail. I removed the hospital gown to reveal my sports bra and shorts. I admired my tone stomach even though it was covered with a large bandage from where the masked man had stabbed me. My forehead was stitched well and everything else seemed to be in proper working order. I circled my left arm over my head rotating my shoulder in every direction. I hadn't been able to do that in a long time it felt good to stretch my muscles. I put on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. I grabbed a pair of socks and left the bathroom. I moved over to the window seat and looked out to see the skyline of New York City again. I still couldn't get over it. Seeing it in real life compared nothing to the pictures I had seen of it on TV and from friends who had come here.
"It sure is big isn't it?" a voice said causing me to jump. I turned to see Steve leaning against the door jam. He had showered and changed into jeans, a white T-Shirt and jacket. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." he said coming further into the room he sat in a chair next to the window.
"You're fine I was just daydreaming. I've never been to New York before this is kind of all new to me." I said pulling my knees to my chest feeling scared that I was so far from home with people I had only heard of on the news
"Where are you from?" Steve asked looking over at me. His blue eyes catching my brown ones.
"Kansas" I said.
"Well it looks like you're not in Kansas anymore" he said with a soft chuckle and a smile.
I smiled too, "Ha ha very funny. But don't tell me this wasn't a little scary when you saw it for the first time since you woke up."
Steve sighed and looked out the window again "I'm not going to lie. I was scared. I wake up and everything... everyone I know has changed or is just...."
"Gone" I finished for him. "I know the feeling. Not the seventy years as an ice cube feeling just the... I know what it's like to lose everything you know."
"I'm guessing there is a story behind that" Steve said.
"A story for another day" I said as I stood up and looked at my sock feet. I scanned hoping and found my boots sitting in a corner with my jeans folded on top of them. I went over and moved my jeans to grab my boots when my phone fell out of my pocket. I saw it flash and picked it up noticing that I had four voicemails.
"Your family?" Steve asked glancing at my flashing phone.
"They must be worried" Steve said standing up and walking over to me.
"You should call them." I closed my eyes holding back tears and deleted the voice messages before I had even listened to them.
"Why did you do that?" Steve asked.
I didn't look at him as I sat on the bed and pulled my boots on.
"What do I say to them? I don't even know what to say to myself. I've kept my distance from my family ever since I got back from active duty."
I pulled on a fake smile and looked up at him from my sitting position. "another story for another day" I said as I stood and walked towards the door. "Now what do I have to do to find something to eat around here?"

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