Chapter 4

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I looked up from the TV when I heard the bathroom door open. He came out with a bashful look on his face. He was blushing and fidgeting with the hem of the boxer shorts I had given him. I bit back a smirk.

"I would have given you pants, but I don't even have any that would be close to your size." I stated. Well that was half the reason for only given him boxers. The other half was I wanted to see more of him. His skin was flawless. His legs were skinny and looked like twigs. Damn, next on my to do list: feed this kid.

"I-its ok. I don't mind." He said nervously, his voice soft and his eyes staring at the coffee table in front of me. "Thank you. For all of this." He finally looked at me and I could see the admiration in his eyes. I swallowed hard.

"It's no big deal." I muttered. I stood and made my way to the kitchen. "You should eat something. What do you like?" I said as I studied the sad excuse for food in the fridge.

"O-oh um anything is fine. I'm really not picky."

"Ok. Well, I got some yogurt. I could also heat up uh..." What the fuck even was that? "I think its lasagna." I sighed. "Maybe I should just head to the store and get some stuff."

"Yogurt sounds perfect thank you." He said as he sat in the chair in the living room.

"Are you sure that's enough? No offence, kid, but you're all skin and bones." I said as I walked into the living room with the yogurt and a spoon.

He smiled, "No this is perfect." He took them both from me and opened the tin lid.

I sat on the couch and watched him. He was so cute. He was in my clothes. He smelled like me. I fucking love that. A lot. Not sure WHY I did. He wasn't even my type. I liked more sexy and confident. Bad. Naughty.

I watched as he spooned the creamy, white liquid into his cute pink lips. I swallowed hard. I could feel my pants becoming too tight. I watched him with a heated gaze.

I finally snapped out of my daze when I heard him place the cup of yogurt on the table. I shook my head and gained my composure. I seriously needed to get laid. This was sad.
I looked at the cup. He had barely eaten any of it. Oh hell no. The kid was gonna eat.

"You should finish it." I stated, trying to mask the husky desire in my voice. Ok so I had a little bit of a dirty mind, sue me.

He looked at me and tilted his head. "Im really not that hungry anymore."

"Luca. You need to eat. You need to be healthy. I could fit my damn hands around your waist. Eat." I said sternly.

He swallowed hard and blushed slightly. His gazed traveled to the cup on the table and he seemed to be thinking about what he should do next.

I glared and felt a growl crawl up my throat. I was not a patient man. I stood and was towering over him in one, swift stride. He looked up at me fear in his perfect hazel eyes. Suddenly I was picking him up and sitting back down on the couch with him in my lap.

I'm not really sure where this controlling nature over this stranger was coming from but I couldn't stop it. I grabbed the yogurt and spoon and scooped some up. He was staring at me wide eyed and blushing. He sat princess style in my lap as I offered the spoon to him, feeding him. He looked at me as he slowly took the spoon into his mouth with hesitation. I watched him with what I knew were eyes of desire. I held back a groan as some of the white cream got on the side of his mouth and he licked it off. God, he was blushing too and looked like he was eating the best damn thing on the planet.

I fed him like this until the cup was empty and watched him as he licked the remaining yogurt from his lips. The tightness in my pants was almost unbearable. I hoped to god he didn't move. If he did I would lose it.

"Gage?" He whispered my name softly, a blush on his cheeks and a bowed head.

"Yes?" I answered, my hand going to tilt his chin up so he would look into my eyes. 

"C-can I stay here a little bit longer? Please? I promise I will pay you back somehow." He asked, his eyes deperate and scared I would say no.

I chuckled at his adorable expression. "You can stay here as long as you want, princess. You are no problem at all."

"Thank you so much!" He gave me a big smile.

I held myself back from kissing those soft lips and let my gaze fall to his neck. I wanted to kiss him there. He shifted slightly and my shirt that was swallowing him moved to reveal part of the back of his shoulder. That's when I saw it. A red, angry scar peeked up from the collar and disappeared down in the shirt. What the fuck.

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