Chapter 16

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I was going to murder Alex.

"Do you wanna fucking die, Alex?" I snarled at him sending him my best death glare.

He only chuckled and told me not to get my panties in a wad before leaving to go help someone else that had called him over. I glared at him as he left.

"That little shit." I muttered under my breath.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Alex had been one of few I kept on call when I needed to get laid. He was frisky and the gayest thing to ever walk the earth. He liked musicals and pop music and was about as clique as it got. It annoyed the hell out of me but sex is sex. I looked back at Luca when I heard him giggle. He was so cute.

"Sorry, princess. That was one of my douche past conquests thinking he knows shit." I told him.

I wanted to gauge his reaction to my words. I studied him closely and as if my thoughts had summoned it, I saw the jealousy flare up in his eyes. Bingo.

"But, I get free drinks." I added with a wink and I chuckled when I saw that cute little blush rise up his cheeks as he looked away from me, a slight pout on his lips.

I also saw his brow furrow as if he was in deep thought.

"Luca?" I said his name in hopes of pulling him from his head but it seems he couldn't hear me so I tried again.

"Princess, are you ok?" With that he shook his head and gave me a small smile.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you were ok. You looked like you were thinking so hard, that your head would explode." I reached up to brush some of his hair behind his ear. "Are you feeling ok?"

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He probably wants to go home and-

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked as he stood up from the stool and looked around the dance floor as if looking for a spot we could occupy.

Ok....that was not what I expected. But I'll be damned if I wasn't gonna take him up on his offer. I nodded and threw him a smirk.

"Oh hell yeah." I murmured as I stood and grabbed his hand, leading him through the hot moving bodies to the dance floor and finding us a spot.

The music was louder here and I could feel the bass rattling my body. I turned and looked down at my princess to see him watching the people around us. Just as I was about to ask him what was wrong, he snaked his arms around my neck and smile with mischief I didn't even know he possessed.

I kept my hands at my sides, wanting him to get comfortable enough to make the first move. It was his first time at a club so I was prepared to take the lead once he got settled. I assume he would be awkward when it came to dancing considering how innocent he was so I prepared myself for the awkward.

Oh how wrong I was.

He slowly started to roll his hips to the music and I was taken aback by how easy he made it look. I watched, not daring to take my eyes off him and miss a single second of this. I rolled my hips with him, my body just barely grazing his, but the pressure we had between us wasn't enough. I needed more.

I let my hands fall to his hips and pulled him to me until there was no space between us. The sexy little gasp that came from his lips was enough to make my already semi-hard dick twitch. I had no doubt he could feel my arousal pressing against him but I didn't care. I would show him what he did to me.

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