Chapter 9 Heart

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“Orochimaru,” Kakashi gasped.
Sakura tensed. Orochimaru. This was the man that had marked Sasuke. What was going  on? All around, sound ninja attacked. Kakashi warded them off and turned to Sakura. “Undo the genjutsu on Naruto and Shikamaru and wake them up. You just got an A-rank mission.”
“Wh-What kind of mission?” Sakura asked.
“Sasuke is pursuing Gaara and the other Sand ninja. You’ll follow them in a platoon of four.”   
        “Four?” Sakura questioned, “who will be our fourth?” Kakashi made a few seals and did a summoning. “This little doggie?” Sakura gasped.
“Hey little girl,” the dog said, “don’t call me a little doggie.”
“His name is Pakkun,” Kakashi said, “go after Sasuke and stop him. Then wait somewhere safe until you receive new orders. Go!”
“This way!” Pakkun said.

Before Taryn could reach the wall, she was caught by two Konoha ninja. “Let go,” Taryn growled, “I need to go after them.”
“Of course you do,” one of them scoffed, “traitor.”
“You don’t understand. If I don’t go after them, something terrible will happen.”
“Taryn!” Baki yelled, “make yourself useful and help your nation. I’m sure your father will let you come back home.”
“Traitor!” she yelled at him, “I will never help you betray Konoha! What have you done to Gaara?!”
“He lost control.”
“He needs my help!” Taryn shouted.
“Helping the little traitors kill Konoha villagers huh,” one of the ninja restraining her said.
Taryn glared at him. “Are you stupid?! Did you not see him? You have no idea what will happen if he loses control completely. I am the only one who might be able to stop him. Let me go before it is too late!”
“Kamiro!” Kakashi shouted, “let her go! She’s with us!”
“But…,” the man protested.
The two men looked at Taryn. “If you betray us, Taryn Desertstorm, we will find you and kill you.”
Taryn nodded and they released her. Without looking back she jumped over the wall in pursuit of her siblings.

“We’re being followed,” Pakkun said. The others exchanged glances.
“Friend or foe?” Sakura asked.
“I’m not sure,” Pakkun said.
“All right,” Shikamaru commented, “we need a decoy then. I’ll stay behind. You go on ahead.”    
“But…” Naruto protested.
“No time to argue,” Shikamaru cut him off, “go on. Hurry.” He stopped on a tree branch and turned back. ‘Here goes nothing.’


Taryn jumped from tree to tree, scanning the area with her Byakugan. Her siblings were far ahead. She had lost much time in the arena. Naruto and that girl from his team were in pursuit of them, with Pakkun. Taryn smiled, but then concentrated again. Sasuke Uchiha was out there to, closing in on her siblings. That boy who had fought Temari, Shikamaru, was battling a group of Sound ninja not far away. He was almost out of chakra. Just when she debated whether or not she should help him, her eyes found Asuma. They would be fine. Back in pursuit then. She had to hurry. She didn’t like the sense of Gaara’s chakra.

Temari and Kankuro were still carrying Gaara when they came to a sudden halt. There in front of them stood Sasuke Uchiha. He grinned at them. “You’re not getting away.”

Pakkun sniffed the air. “Sasuke stopped moving, but he’s still far away.”
“Alright!” Naruto cheered.
“Don’t get too excited,” Pakkun said, “we’re still being followed. And someone is following Sasuke too.”

“Temari,” Kankuro said while taking his puppet from his back, “you take Gaara and go ahead.”  
       “Alright,” Temari nodded and vanished.
Kankuro sighed. “I suppose we have no choice… I’ll take you on.”
“No,” another voice interrupted, “I will be our opponent.”
“Shino,” Sasuke said, “what are you doing here?”
Shino pointed. “Before you left the arena, I had my beetles mark you with a female scent. The males detected it. Sasuke, chase after Gaara. You haven’t completed your match against him. I’ll fight this one, especially since I was suppose to fight him in the first place. Leave him to me. Go!”
“Are you sure about this?” Sasuke asked.
“I don’t need your concern,” Shino said, “give me ten minutes and I’ll come to help you.” Sasuke scoffed. “Hn. I’ll be done by then too.”

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