Chapter 61 The Eye of the Moon

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Finally I have a new chapter out. Sorry it took so long, but I was out of the country and it was a massive amount to type. Here it is though. Chapter 61! Wow, what a number. And there's more to come :) Enjoy!


"What's happening?" the villagers stared at the sky is terror.

"Mommy, why is the sky so dark?"

Yuna Tomoda watched it concerned. The villagers were starting to panic. So far there had only been minor attacks. Nothing the shinobi that had stayed behind couldn't handle. This however was a different matter. This was something dark and sinister. A shiver ran down her spine.

"Yuna," someone shook her shoulder. She turned her head and stared at Dante. "We need to get the villagers somewhere safe. The Academy, alright? The school's big enough to house everyone."

Yuna nodded. "Right."

"Okay, come on. But don't cause any more panic. Things are bad enough as it is."

"Do you know what's causing this?" Yuna asked.

Dante sighed. "I've sensed something similar once, but this... this is much stronger."

"What was it?"

"The One Tail's chakra. Gaara-sama had it under control then, but this... I don't know. We need to prepare for the worst."


She could see the irony if the situation. Madara had always been a master in hiding himself. All throughout the war no one had been able to find him and now all she had to do was follow the chakra of the one tailed beast. The creature that had hated her from day one. There was no doubt in her mind that when she found Shokaku she would find Madara as well.

She couldn't afford to wonder if this was his intention. If she had a chance of stopping this then she would take it.

She paused for a moment to catch her breath. She was tiring more easily lately. 'Come on kiddo. Work with me here. We have a job to do.'

There was still no sign of Sasuke and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing, but she could search for him later. 'Let's get them one at the time.'  And maybe, after she had finished with Madara, it would be easier to talk some sense into Sasuke. She refused to give up on him yet. She had seen his thoughts. There was still something left of him, even though it was deeply hidden.

The sky roared again and Taryn narrowed her eyes. "Let's finish this."


"You sense that Bee?" Eight Tails said alarmed.

Bee nodded to himself. "There's no sound, but I know they're around. But it's more than one beast. Does that mean they're released?"

"Hn?" Naruto said, "who's released?"

"He means the other tailed beasts," Nine Tails provided, "can't you sense their chakra?"

"What, you're talking to me again now?" Naruto asked amused. Nine Tails rolled his eyes. Naruto looked at the sky. "Is that why it's so dark all of a sudden?"

"Why the moon is gone I don't know, but if we want to find out we'd better go."

Naruto nodded at Bee. "You're right. This can't be a good thing. We'd better hurry."He jumped down to the ground and started running. 'Maybe finally I'll run into Sasuke.'

"And then what?" the Nine Tails mocked, "do you think you can just fix everything? Like flipping a switch?"

"Just shut up already," Naruto growled, "you big pessimist."

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