Chapter 18 Duty

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Taryn strolled through the small village to find a restaurant. She hoped to find one soon. The land of Storms wasn’t her favourite place in the world.
Of course they had storms in the desert, but they were nothing like this. These storms were cold and wet.
She could have assigned this mission to someone else. It was only C-rank after all, but she could use the distraction. Her siblings had set off to the Chuunin Exams two days ago. All three of them had grown so much since last time. She had faith in them. To take her mind of things she had buried herself in work. They would return soon.

Taryn sighed and wiped the rain from her face. First she needed to find some shelter and get something to eat. Then she would head for home. She looked around again and stopped walking when her eyes set on someone. ‘What is he doing here?’ she thought to herself. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. The slight nod of his head indicated that he had seen her too.
He disappeared round the corner and Taryn hurried after him.

She entered the building she suspected him to have entered and looked around the room. It was a restaurant and loaded with people.
Taryn sighed. At least it was dry here. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself by using Byakugan, so she simply looked around he room again.
No Itachi.
Still she was sure she had seen him.
Slowly she made her way to an empty boot. She could always try to find him later.
Her eyes saddened for a moment as she wondered if he had already heard what had happened. What would he make of it?
A waitress made her way over. “Can I take your order?”
Taryn studied the menu for a moment. “Grilled fish please,” she said, “and a bowl of ramen. And tea.”
The woman nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. Before long she returned and put a plate in front of Taryn.
“Thank you,” Taryn said and pulled the plate closer. Then she noticed a piece of paper underneath it. Carefully she took it out and unfolded it. ‘Don’t turn around.’ it read.
Taryn frowned and glanced around from the corner of her eyes. Then she carefully leaned back into the chair.
“Normally you’re more alert,” Itachi’s voice said behind her.
“You hide yourself well.” Taryn answered him, “what brings you to this land?”
“I had some business here,” he said.
“Alone?” she inquired, knowing he usually partnered with Kisame who she didn’t sense anywhere. Itachi chuckled softly. “Always fishing for information,” he said amused.
“That’s because you never offer any,” Taryn said lightly annoyed. She wasn’t sure why she was suddenly so angry. It was silent for a while and just when she thought he had left, he spoke again.
“I know he went off to Orochimaru.”
Taryn tensed. She didn’t know what to say.
“It has begun then,” Itachi continued.
Taryn frowned. “What has?” she asked confused. Again there was no answer. “Itachi…”
“Your food is getting cold,” he spoke.
Taryn glared at her plate, not feeling hungry anymore. She heard the rustling of a chair behind her and knew he was leaving. “Wait…” she breathed.
“I heard you returned to Suna,” he said, “…I’m happy for you.”
Taryn gave a faint smile. Then her head snapped up and she turned around.
He was gone.
Taryn sighed and her eyes became concerned. ‘What are you going to do now? Itachi…’ she wondered silently.


“Taryn-sama, I take it the mission went well?” The council greeted her.
“Of course,” Taryn answered, “have my siblings returned yet?”
The man shook his head. “Not yet, but we expect them any day now.”
Taryn nodded. She wasn’t too concerned. It was a week’s travel after all. She knew she should have attended the Finals as representative of Suna, but sending a former traitor as village leader to represent a nation would not fall all that well with the other nations, so she had sent someone else in her place.
She sighed and sat down behind her desk. A pile of papers lay in front of her. That was the downside of going on missions. It left her with an awful lot of paperwork when she came back.
She took the first document from the stack. A request from the lord of the land of Snow to escort his son and daughter home. Next was a list of Sand shinobi who were in the running of being appointed Jounin. She wanted to have a look at that later and discuss it with the council.
She looked up when a female shinobi passed her office. “Vara,” she called.
The woman looked inside. “Yes?”
Taryn motioned her in. “Can you get me the results of all missions from the last six months? Only Chuunin. I need them by the end of the day.”
Vara nodded. “I will see to it.”
There was knock on the door and a Jounin came in. “Taryn-sama, this was delivered by courier this morning.” He handed her a scroll. “There are rumours of Akatsuki operating near Mist. Some of their members seem to have been spotted and there was an increase of criminal activity over the last couple of days.”
Taryn frowned and read the scroll. “Thank you Tai. Assemble a team and investigate in the matter. You, Yamaru and Yola.”
“Yola is on a mission,” Tai said, “he won’t be back for several weeks.”
“Ao then,” Taryn decided, “he is good with camouflage and his kitsune can deliver a message when you’re in need.”
Tai nodded.
“You’re teamleader,” Taryn continued, “remember, only investigate. Do not undertake any action. We do not know of their plans nor their numbers. I do not know their current powers. Be careful and do not underestimate them.”
Tai nodded again.
“Be ready within the hour,” Taryn told him and dismissed him.
She rubbed her eyes and turned to the window. The village lay silent in the afternoon sun. In the distance she could see the young Genin from the Academy train. How long since she had been one of them? 
‘Was I ever that young?’ she thought to herself.
Far too early she had needed to carry out heavy responsibilities. Was it strange that she envied those Genin for their free nature? She’d never admit it to anyone, but there was another reason she didn’t want to act as Kazekage. Her mind went back to the land of Storms when she had seen Itachi. ‘What are you planning?’  she thought, ‘I don’t want to be the one to bring you to justice.’
She was pulled from her thoughts by a tap on the window. Taryn opened it for the hawk that patiently waited on the windowsill. She stretched out her arm and the messenger bird hopped on. Taryn closed the window again and took the scroll from the animal’s back. The bird flew towards a standard in the corner.
Taryn sat down at her desk again and rolled off the scroll. The results from the Chuunin Exams had come in. The judges had already decided and had sent word to all villages. Taryn smiled surprised when she found Neji’s name on the list. He had worked very hard and Taryn knew he deserved that title now. She saw Shino’s name too. ‘Bug boy huh.’ Taryn smirked. Shino never spoke much and was always in the background, but those kind of people should never be underestimated. She scanned through the list. There were a lot of new Chuunin this time. Eight in total.
Taryn carefully studied the list. Two from Konoha, one from Rain. One from Mist and yes… three from Suna.
Taryn smiled content as she found her siblings’ names on the list.
The last name was a Grass ninja.
She sighed and put the list aside. When her siblings returned she would have some good news for them. She stared at the documents on her desk again. The next paper was a request from the hospital. They would like to train more medical ninja. Taryn knew the same problems had occurred in Konoha. Medics were difficult to train. As Tsunade had once said, it took different skills to become a medic than to become a fighter. Perhaps she could spare a ninja from the medical team to check the new Genin that would be graduating soon. Maybe some of them possessed the necessary skills. If so, perhaps they could be trained in an early stage. That reminded her of another request. They were almost out of deer horn. She would send an order to Konoha to purchase some from the Nara clan. She would also have to send a letter to congratulate Neji.
There was a knock on the door. “Yes?” she called.
A shinobi stepped into her office.
“Lance,” she acknowledged him, “you came to report?”
“Yes, Taryn-sama.”
Taryn nodded. “Very well.”
“We secured the Northern border,” Lance said, “the enemy retreated. Kisara followed them for ten miles, but there was no indication that they were planning to return.”
“What about the hostage?”
“Torun and Gale managed to get him out safely. He was returned to his family.”
“Good,” Taryn said.
“Aya, Roy and Shovi kept their posts. If nothing suspicious occurs they’ll return home. Unless you have new orders for them.”
“Not at this moment,” Taryn said, “we’ll wait and see what happens.” Lance nodded at her. “Thank you,” Taryn told him and watched him leave.
Her gaze turned back to the Academy. Perhaps she should visit. She remembered that the Third Hokage loved to visit the young children. He used to say that they were important. Of course he was right. She knew that. She had been away for a long time, so she didn’t know the children that attended now. She should though. Even if she was only acting Kazekage. Yes. She should know these things. One day soon it was them she would have to assign to missions.
With a determined look in her eyes she walked out of the office.


“You’re making great progress,” Tsunade complimented the girl in front of her.
Sakura smiled. “Thank you, Tsunade-sama,” she said, “I worked real hard and it wasn’t easy, but this is what I want to do.”
“You’ll make an excellent medical shinobi,” Tsunade said, “I’m sorry you missed the Chuunin Exams.”
“Was that already?”
Tsunade nodded. “Three weeks ago. Konoha gained two Chuunin. Neji Hyuuga and Shino Aburame.”
“Shino?” Sakura asked surprised.
“Ah that’s right. He was in your year, wasn’t he?”
Sakura nodded.
“I’ll make sure to enrol you in the next Exams,” Tsunade promised.
“Tsunade-sama?” Sakura asked hesitantly, “is there any news on Sasuke?”
Tsunade’s eyes darkened for a moment. “You shouldn’t keep yourself busy with that,” she said. “Please,” Sakura pleaded, “I’d like to know.”
“There’s nothing. Not on Sasuke and not on Orochimaru either. Every nation is looking for Orochimaru. If there is any news then we’ll hear about it. For now, Sakura, you need to concentrate on your training.” 
Sakura nodded. “Yes. Of course.”


Kabuto eyed the boy in the training grounds warily. This kid made him nervous. It had been like that since the first time in Konoha. He couldn’t stand the brat. Not only was he arrogant, he also had no respect for lord Orochimaru. He should be grateful that lord Orochimaru had such an interest in him, that he deemed the boy worthy to be his new vessel.
Kabuto narrowed his eyes. He should be the new vessel instead of Sasuke. Hadn’t he always served Orochimaru? Done everything for him? He glared at the Uchiha boy. He should have killed him back then, when he still had the chance. But Hatake Kakashi had interfered. And Taryn… Kabuto gritted his teeth. She was just the same. Didn’t appreciate lord Orochimaru’s gift either.
He cast another hateful glare towards Sasuke. He tensed when the boy shifted his eyes towards him.
An evil smirk crawled around Sasuke’s lips when he saw Kabuto’s discomfort.
“Lord Orochimaru is asking for you,” Kabuto said.
“I’ll be right there,” Sasuke answered.
“When lord Orochimaru calls you, you don’t let him wait,” Kabuto said, “he is the one that brought you here. Thanks to him you have this new power. You owe him your respect.”
Sasuke snorted. “I brought myself here after your pathetic sound ninja got themselves killed by Genin. I’m busy now. I’ll see him later.” A sly smirk formed on his face. “Unless of course you want to spar with me. I improved my Chidori. Care to try?”
Kabuto turned around and walked away, haunted by Sasuke’s chuckle. Kabuto narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t stand that boy and also feared him. He was even worse than Taryn. Both were arrogant like hell, but at least the girl had been tolerable to a certain degree.
He entered Orochimaru’s room.
“Well?” Orochimaru asked, “where is he?”
“He said he’ll be here later,” Kabuto said, “I don’t understand why you let him talk to you that way. Why do you let him get away with it?”
“Not everyone crawls the way you do, Kabuto,” Orochimaru sneered, “what’s most important is that he’s strong. And he’s growing stronger every day. When the time comes, he’ll make an excellent vessel.”
“You’re not really going to let him have revenge on Itachi, are you?”
“Of course not,” Orochimaru said, “but there’s no need to enlighten him about that. I need his anger. It feeds his power.”
“There are other vessels,” Kabuto pointed out.
“No,” Orochimaru growled, “I want Sasuke. No one else is suitable.”
“He doesn’t respect you.”
“Then perhaps you should teach him. Hm? Kabuto? No?” Orochimaru chuckled and ended up hissing in pain.
“You shouldn’t strain yourself,” Kabuto said, “you still haven’t fully recovered. It’s taking longer than usual.”
Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. “Damn you Sarutobi,” he growled.
Even with this new host he had recovered slowly. If only Sasuke were ready. But he still had to wait almost three years. Well… two and a half, but still… He wished there was a way to speed up the process. He knew he was being impatient. Kabuto had warned him against that. His body needed to adjust to a host and it took a while to prepare a new host as well. And there was so much Sasuke could still achieve. So much more power to take. And Sharingan… Finally he had been able to lay his hand on the eye jutsu of the Uchiha clan.
He smiled to himself. ‘I told you I would get it, Itachi. One way or the other. And I did. And nothing can stop me now. You really should have killed him… Of course I will eventually… but not just yet.’ He looked up when a shadow blocked the light from the door.
“I’ve come,” a dark voice said, “what was it you wanted from me?”
Orochimaru smirked to himself. “Come in, Sasuke. There is something I need to discuss with you.”

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