Secrets & Deceptions: Part 4

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I just want to to state that Sabrina Holden is an original character. Okay, on with the story.

Remy drove into the city on his motor cycle after sending Sabrina Holton a text that he needed her help. He had gotten a text back telling him that she was at home and to come on over. Her apartment was a few blocks from the hospital she worked at and about a thirty-minute drive from where he was located.

He had no doubt the woman would help him, because he had enough on the woman to not only take away her medical license, but to put her in prison for the rest of her life.

Yes, she would help, and with little or no persuading. Remy reached her apartment building and parked his bike in the parking garage. She was on the fifth floor and took the elevator to her level and walked down the long hallway to her apartment door.

He knocked on the door and heard some lame disco music from the other side. He rolled his eyes thinking that her taste in music had not changed in the year since he last saw her. He wondered what else had not changed.

The door swung open and there was the disco queen wanna-be standing in the doorway with a halter top and bell bottom pants in a flowery print. Her taste in clothes had not changed either. They were still as atrocious as ever, but her looks made up for that.

Her long hair was sandy blonde and straight with a part in the middle, and her skin looked flawless. She was well into middle age being close to fifty but her mutant abilities allowed her skin to rejuvenate. She wasn't exactly immortal, but she stopped aging at about twenty.

Every few years she found it necessary to create a new identity so no one would find out what she really was. Thanks to Remy she became Sabrina Holden over a year ago. Who she was before then he didn't know.

"Hey, Remy," she said, her smile seductive as she took his hand. "Come on in."

She led him into her apartment which consisted of several lava lamps, some hanging tapestries and a beanbag chair. As he walked into the blue lighted room, she turned her record player down.

"I see you haven't changed," Remy said as he sat on her dark red leather couch. It was the only thing in her apartment that he actually liked.

"Why change perfection?" she asked and approached him. Dancing Queen had just started playing, and she grabbed onto Remy's hands. "Come on and dance with me."

"Ah no, Sabrina, dis ain't my kind a music," he said but he saw the pouty look on her face.

"Please, Remy, then anything you want I'll do," she said with a giggle.

"Alright," he said and danced with her. Damn, how he hated disco music, but she liked it and he needed to stay on her good side. Once the song was over, he hoped to get down to business.

"See, Remy, now that wasn't so bad," Sabrina said, still not taking her hands off him. "Now, for your reward." She reached down and tried to undo his pants, but Remy stopped her.

"Dat's not why I came here," he said. "Need you to analyze somet'in' for me."

"That's what I was trying to do," she said, trying to grab for him again.

He pulled out the lotion bottle and held it in front of her. "I need you t'test dis."

"A bottle of lotion?" She asked looking confused.

"Dat's not what's in dere," Remy said. "It some kind a drug, and I need to know what it is, what it does, an' how dangerous it is."

"I see nothing has changed with you either, Remy." He looked at her like he didn't know what he was talking about. "Still finding trouble."

"Look, Sabrina, someone been feedin' dat junk to my girl an' I wanna know why."

"Okay, I'll do it, but give me a few days. My boss at the lab is coming down on some of us about testing things off the books." Let me take a few small samples and am sure I can slip them in.

Sabrina went into the bathroom with the lotion bottle and came back out fifteen minutes later with three vials and handed Remy the lotion bottle.

"I took some samples, but you keep the rest... just in case," she said and put the vials in her med bag. "Now, on with more pleasurable endeavors."

She came on him fast trying to give him a kiss, but he held her back. "Got me a girl now, Sabrina, already tol' you. Ain't gonna be none a dat."

"Must be love," she said as Remy made his way to the door. "It's a shame. I would have given you a night you would never forget.

"Try someone your own age," he said but she didn't think that was amusing. All the men her age was on the cusp of getting old and wrinkly with too many medical conditions. She liked young men, someone who could keep up with her. Remy used to be that guy, but the only girl he wanted or ever wanted was his Anna Marie.

One day soon she was going to remember everything about him and would be waiting for her with open arms.

That's the end of chapter thirteen. There's more coming through as Rogue's memories are starting to surface, and Remy gets closer to the truth about Mystique and what her intentions are.

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