Chapter Two: Balda-what Glass?

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When Madame Claudia and Penelope came down to open the shop the next morning, Genevieve was nowhere to be found. The only clue to her whereabouts was a hastily written note on the back of an old letter, judging by the crumbling condition of the paper.

Went out to buy materials for shoes. I will return shortly, Madame.


Madame Claudia almost demanded Penelope go and hunt down her only shoemaker, but thought better of it. She might have been mad at Genevieve for leaving and not asking first, but the girl had never done anything behind their backs before. Besides, Madame Claudia wasn't made of stone. She had a secret soft spot for the girl, because her mother was such a close friend. She never showed it though, letting her greed overpower any goodwill in her heart.

In the bustling marketplace, Genevieve pushed through women and men of all sorts, searching desperately for the best materials. She needed the best shoes she could get for the Princess, if she ever wanted to make a life for herself.

Finding a break from the hustle and bustle, Genevieve stepped into a side path with only one or two people glancing at the stalls. Resting a hand on her chest and breathing in, Genevieve glanced at the shops down the aisle. There was an young girl, probably around the age of 14 who was selling beaded jewelry. Her mother must have been in the tent behind it, for the girl turned back to answer the woman's call.

Genevieve passed on, glancing into the next shop. Unfortunately, there was no materials here. A burly man stood stone cold, with a cluster of metals hanging from hooks on the stall and a table full of various tools. These were too crude to be of use in shoe-making, so Genevieve offered her best smile before passing him.

After doing this for several more stalls, Genevieve felt her hope diminishing after every passed seller. Just as she felt her luck had run out, she turned to find the last tent had a little old woman leaning over a collection of crystals and glass. She was polishing a gem with a cloth, obviously focused on her work.

"Excuse me," Genevieve started, but the woman raised a hand. "Let me finish, please." Her tone was a bit brash, but at least she was polite. The girl shifted her balance from her toes to the heels of her worn hunter green slippers. At one time they must have been very lovely, but wear and tear had peeled some of the fabric down from its base and the soles were wearing thin.

Oh well. They are a hand-me-down from Penelope anyways.

As she thought about fixing her own shoes, the old woman finished cleaning and looked back to her. "You wanted something, girl?" Genevieve nodded slowly, glancing at the shimmering jewels within the tent.

"Well? See anything you like? I don't have all day." The woman scolded, and shook a bony finger at her before Genevieve found what she wanted. Pointing, she held out her arm and the woman turned to look.

"Ah! Very nice choice. You know, this is a recipe I have been working on for a few years now. It took the perfect balance of gold and glass, but I finally managed. How much of the Baldachin glass would you like?" The woman scurried over to the table where a thick brick of glass, shimmered in the sunlight. The whole block sparkled and practically glowed from the reflection on the gold infused in the glass.

"I'll take the whole brick, please." And with a sad feeling in her stomach, Genevieve pulled out all of the savings she had collected for the past 3 years. The money had originally been intended to pay for her food and lodging when she left the emporium, but it was all she had.

The woman took the purse out of her hands, counting through the coins skeptically. When she seemed satisfied, she pulled out two pieces and dropped them in Genevieve's eager hands, along with the glass.

"Thank you very much." Was all Genevieve could muster, watching her only savings being taken away in exchange for a hope. A hope that maybe, just maybe, the Princess would like these exquisite glass and gold shoes.

She stowed away the brick into her bag -yet another hand-me-down from Penelope- and headed back with a newfound purpose. The minute Genevieve opened the door, she was met with the often red face of Madame Claudia. The girl froze, although she had been anticipating an angry employer when she returned from her endeavor.

"Where have you been?" The woman bellowed, her mouth twisting into a scowl. Genevieve held back the urge to gulp, and focused on replying calmly. "I was out getting new materials. You see, Order #83 required a new patch of cloth for the toe and-" Madame Claudia sent her a glare amidst Genevieve's rambling. "I don't care. Get to work, and don't leave in the morning like that without permission ever again." Genevieve simply nodded and practically dashed to the comfort of her workshop, slipping her treasured brick under one of the floorboards. It seemed that nights spent working on the glass shoes were in her near future, and already her body was craving sleep.

Beginning her regular orders again, Genevieve slipped into her normal routine. It wasn't long before the clatter of footsteps on the stairs alerted Genevieve that the other occupants were heading to bed. She waited patiently and worked until no more creaking could be heard.

Genevieve stood from her stool and dug out the glass brick, before she set it on the table and added a log or two to the fire. She wasn't the best with glass, but she felt like it had been calling for her in the market.

Besides, practice makes perfect, right?

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