Chapter 21 ~ "Disaster Before Christmas - Part One"

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15 Days Until Christmas...

(Yvette's P.O.V) (8:13am, Wednesday)

Class feels nice to be back in... especially when I go to rehearsals! I get to rehearse my lines, and in front of Ben too! I feel so warm and cuddly inside whenever I talk about him.


Ben is so dreamy... with his comedy... his cute smile... his cool brownish- yellowish hair... I feel like sinking and melting to the floor whenever I see him... aaaack! X3 <--my happy face.

" you need to sign these permission slips and give it tomorrow... so, you can't forget it, or else you won't be on the trip...!", echoed Mrs. Mandrake... wait...

A trip...?!

Why a trip?! I can't give this to anybody! Dad wouldn't sign this! He won't let me go anywhere because I'm his slave, and slaves can't leave their prison...! But, I did escape... but I can't just go back on my knees begging for mercy! Argh... this is so frustrating!

"And...Yvette, I'm giving you a special slip because your parents are gone...", Mrs. Mandrake slammed the permission slip onto my table... I read through it and woah... this is so much...


Dear Parents...

This is form for parents' consent towards their children. We will be going to Asia for 5 days to discover their culture and their ways of living... please fill out this consent form and take some consideration into letting your child go.

For Yvette - You sign out your own form, and please attend!

I signed it out...
I Yvette Wanders, allow my self onto this worldwide trip.

So... That's settled...

I can't wait for Friday!


I need 3 water bottles... I need 6 packs of food... I need 7 pairs of clothes... just in case!!!! I need mangas... to show Japan that I am one of them... And... I think that's it!

I dashed out through the door--

*grab* *smooch*

Lips parted away from mine and I finally realized the sudden event... I had a late reaction... wow... "I know you're going on that trip today... Hope you stay alive...", and he gave me another long kiss and ran off to school...

Help... I'm gonna melt...


Eeek! I'm so happy! I'm hopping around like a bunny right now! Ben kissed me again! Ben kissed me! Eeeee! But.. what did he say...? "Hope you stay alive..."... wait... he wants me to live... he wants me to come back... not like what my mother did...

I can't let him down! I can't! Argh! I ran towards school and got in a line towards Mrs. Mandrake's class. I feel so happy, yet scared! What if I die?! What if I live?! What if I get resurrected?! I need to stop thinking about the possible outcomes of life...! I just can't...! Maybe, it'll come true! Maybe, it'll make the opposite happen! I don't trust luck anymore! What do I do?!?!?

I'm freaking out!!!

(2 hours later...)

It's going to be a 17 hour flight to Japan... aye... it's so stressful being on a plane... you never know if you'll die or not... *sigh*... I just need to relax with music...

"What do you mean? ---"

Ew, no! Not this guy... everyone hates him... Ew.

"All I 15 hours ago... I know something that, something that I didn't know before..."

Ah... relaxing country music by Taylor Swift... a good way to spend an airplane ride... "Um... excuse me? What would you like...?", muffled a voice... I took off my headphones and looked at the pretty woman who had a cart and a bunch of dishes to choose from... I looked at the sign, 'Slow-cooked Roast w/ Salad'...Hm... seems edible... 'Fruit Salad w/ Orange Juice'... That's for a kid to be honest... 'Rice in a bowl with roasted chicken'... well, I AM going to Japan so I might as well try their rice... "I'll take the rice and chicken", I grinned at her, and she handed me chopsticks and a bowl of rice with roasted chicken and sauce on top with a parsley leaf on top... mmm... looks tasty.

"Hey!", poked a girl--Penny-- who was also in Mrs. Mandrake's class. I waved at her and she smiled really big at me, "Hey, Wanders! Did your mother go to Japan for her business trip?", I nodded at her but then, she put on her scary mask and said in an evil voice, "we might end up dead like your mother... mua-ha-hahahahhaha!", I made my eyes big, "Well... That's creepy... and scary...", I muttered... "Oh, I know... but honestly, I don't really wanna die...!", wait...she heard me mutter?! I thought nobody could hear my mutters...

Huh... weird.

"Well, do you think you'll survive this flight?", she beamed at me. I looked at her with fear in my eyes and shook my head. But, then, she flashed her glasses at me--- wait, I never described her appearance yet... Well, Penny has brown hair and she always has her hair in hanging ponytails at her shoulders, and she has pink braces with big square black glasses... she looks like a stereotypical nerd if I've ever seen one...-- and as I was saying... she flashed her glasses at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "You ought' to be positive, Wanders! Nothing can be achieved with negativity!", and she got back to watching 'SMOSH: The Movie'... yeah... I can't believe it actually got onto airplanes...

But, YouTube... amirite?


I looked at my meal...which was already running cold ... I better eat this before it becomes inedible... I just need to eat...and survive this plane flight...

I'm scared...

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