Part 1

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{I have never done this a day in my life. This is this first thing I have ever written like this... Please let me know if you like it, so I know if I should continue. 

I don't own Hellsing or anything close to owning it.}

Moonlight shone in the large room and upon Integras face. Another job well done and more lives saved all thanks to the Hellsing organization. She then realized the sudden presence of Alucard, who hadn't been there before. He slid in closer to her. Very close to her. So close his blood red coat was touching the shoulder of the dark blue suit. It had seemed,  for years now, he is always growing closer everyday. 

She secretly yearned for it. She had been growing silently dependent on Alucard for years. Of course she couldn't tell him that for fear of him mocking her or worse, rejecting her. She has remained content with not opening herself up to him because she could technically have him whenever she wanted. Ever since she was a little girl, Alucard has been her shadow, her protector, and her faithful servant nearly her entire life. She needed him, like her body needed blood- or rather, how his body needed blood. And she hated herself for the weakness. But this did not change the fact that when alone in her room, she thought of him. 

She knew this was when he was awake. 

Would he ever come visit her in her room? Watch over her? Enter her bed....

She castes her gaze down, frustrated with herself unable to better contain her wayward thoughts. For crying out loud he is her most trusted servant! How could she dare even consider anything more. How unprofessional. How weak. How unHellsing of her...

"Penny for your thoughts, my Master" purred Alucard near her ear. She could feel his breath. The sudden noise and distraction from her thoughts frightened her. She jumped back rather ungracefully, only to trip and nearly fall back on her desk. But Alucard and his inhuman reflexes caught her before the impact. The sudden touching made Integra blush and feel the immediate need to take control of the situation. Trying to get herself up from the uncomfortable back bend she was doing, she tries to reach back to the desk only to slip further. Before she push herself up, Alucard bent down at the waist, nearly on top of her, to met her face to.

He brings his face so close their noses nearly touch, when he says slowly and deeply "You should be more careful Master. I go through a quite bit to keep you safe. Lets not waste it by you getting hurt in your office". He ends his statement with a smirk. This only stands to fluster and infuriate Integra. In an effort to gain the control she usually had, she tried to push Alucard up. With his strength, she would have had better luck pushing a wall. Frustrated, bordering on humiliated she squirm her way out of his arms and regain composer away from his impressive presence.

"ALUCARD!" She shouted, much louder than she meant to. "Don't do that. I COMMAND you don't do that."

Standing up straight and regaining his towering height Alucard replies "And what is it exactly that I am commanded not to do my thoughtful Master?"

"Damn you Alucard, before I shoot you, don't scare me. I was thinking of important strategies and tactics, and such, and don't much appreciate you interrupting me and frightening me to bloody hell! Now if you please I am very tired and need my rest. Unlike you, some of us sleep this time of night. So GOOD NIGHT!" She shouted again in the end, louder than she mean.

Smirking, Alucard bowed and replied " I apologize for frightening you. I never want to do that. I will take my leave. Good night, Master".

Now she had done it. Bloody hell. Intergra sighed not seeing this as a victory.

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