Part 5- Sensation

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Integra was to say the least surprised by the turn of the events. When she awoke this morning, never did she believe she would be there by the afternoon.

Integra felt overwhelmed, relieved and insecure all at the same time, leaving her feeling vulnerable. Yes vulnerable. Powerless. Things she cannot recall ever really feeling. These foreign emotions and insecurities were unpleasant to feel but in a slightly self harming way, she enjoyed feeling something new. This whole experience was new.

Alucard has his slow swirling red eyes fixed on her as if learning and examining her. He completely took her in, memorizing this moment that he has thought about for as many years as he served this women. Positioned above her, he straddled her to at the hips but put his weight down on the slim mortal. His eyes found hers and decided to not leave hers or allow hers escape. With no waver in his fixed hypnotizing eyes, he brought up his right gloved hand and brought it her his lips. He bit down lightly on his pointer finger and retracted his hand from the glove, revealing his restriction marks. He took his glove and tossed it to the nightstand, all without looking away from Integra's unsure and slightly curious eyes.

All whole watching, Integra felt a sensation on the back of her neck- once which she genuinely hadn't felt from Alucard in a long time. Fright. This being her first real encounter of any kind and it is with this beautiful damned creator? The thought made her self conscious further slide and her lack of experience add to her feelings of intimidation and fear.

"Alucard-" Integra whispered for her own sake but knew he could hear her, "I don't know what I am doing. I have never done anything like this before...  I will make a fool out of myself. I will disappoint you..."

"Never in any of the years I have known you, have you ever disappointed me my love. I know your knowledge and experiences are limited. And, I will honorably take it upon my self to show you and teach you." At this Alucard lowered his head so that he was cheek to cheek with Integra as he spoke directly in her ear. "I will show you what it is you do not know that you desire. I will teach you how to enjoy pleasure. I will give you a new meaning of pleasure in all the ways I know how. Tell me maiden,  did you think I didn't notice you come of age?" Alucard began to let his un-gloved hand explore Integra's clothes body. He started with her flushed cheek to feel her warmed before he continued, "Did you think I didn't watch you grow? Notice changes? I notice everything about you. I have many eyes my dear and many are trained on you". Alucard began to move his hand down and around Integra's body, "I saw your desire grow for me. I could smell it."

Integra felt his words in her body. She felt his words cause her loins to clench and ignite outside of her control. Suddenly she held her breath embarrassed.

"No need to feel embarrassed. It was not as if you could hide it from me" The snake charmers mouth continued, "So I grew closer, and waited. Now, I claim what is mine. Now I claim what has always been meant to be mine, my sweet Integra."

Integra flushed the deepest she ever had as his words sank in. Alucard sat up and again locked red eyes with Integra's soft blues, and brought his un-gloved hand out from wherever it was. Sometimes it felt as if Alucard was simply surrounding her. Alucard then did something Integra did not expect.

Alucard brought the pure white gloved hand down to Integra's face and to her lips where he then put his index finger to her dark pink lips, plump from the assault by Alucard's taste earlier. Alucard, who's gaze was still fixed on Integras put his gloved finger just past her lips to her teeth. Alucard relaxed his jaw which somehow infected Integra's consciousness, she also relaxed her jaw allowing his finger entrance between Integra's front teeth. Alucard then closed his jaw to which Integra then realized what Alucard wanted. Integra bit down on his glove, seemingly out of her realm of control. Alucard grinned wide and withdrew his left hand from the glove that was now hanging from Integra's teeth. Alucard gently removed the glove and place it with the other.

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