Part 9 Unholy Craft

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Integra sat in her Oxford chair and looked out at the now starry sky. In this moment the stars and sky seemed like a surreal concept to her. Perhaps it was because her own life now seemed unreal. She continued to stare out the windows with her body centered and arms over that of the chairs. Her head rested against the back of the old brown leather,  her naturally platinum hair fell over the back of the chair, her shoulders, and her exposed sore pink nipples. Alucard was between her legs kneeling before her on the floor currently fixated on the snow skin above her left breast- right above her heart.

He's eyes, the color of raspberries and chocolate, were trained on her skin as he licked at the small droplets of blood that occurred ever so often from his small pricks in her flesh.  He was so trained on her skin, that it seemed he could see beyond it- underneath it even- and look deep into the depths of Integras heart and soul. This no longer shocked Integras and she seemed to have accepted Alucards small suckling.

Still trained on the stars Integra lets out a sigh and lifted her right hand and placed it atop Alucards head. She then unconsciously stroked his silk raven hair. This seemed to halt the vampires trance and tongue...which surprisingly, was not Integras intention.

"Why Alucard" Integra spoke softly. Alucard licked his lips before tilting his head back too look into his masters face.

"I could no longer wait to claim you as mine. You have come of age. I needed to come into my role as your first and only lover and companion before another sot your affections." Alucard explained.

This surprised Integra. It was a rather honest and logical answer. She wasn't expecting it. Usually Alucard simply ignores her or gives some roundabout excuses.

Not to day. Not now.

Even so, it didn't make sense to her.

"But why me Alucard? It's just me. Your Master, Alucard. Who are you to pursue me? To claim me? To want me?" Integra asked now looking directly into Aluards eyes, that have now reverted back to crimson.

"I am your humble servant, my lady. It is destined. I have waited many years for my life to have meaning... and then you were born. And when I first smelt your blood, I knew it was the blood that would rule over me. It is the blood I would protect, I would indulge in and would die for."

"Is that it? You just want me for my blood?" Integra quipped feeling hurt but didn't make efforts to move just yet.

"Your blood is what give your body life. It is your life that I cherish. Your essence. It is my nature to have an irresistible urge to drown in it...your blood that is. But it is your life, your spirit and soul that the blood fuels that draws me to you. Your soul should be one with my soul. I can feel my soul beckoning for yours. I know you feel it too. And, your body,"                           

Alucard pauses to snake up to her face and bring his nose then forehead to hers to assure she heard him

"Will be mine and only mine for all eternity. I will be the first, only and last to understand what it means to be the lover, soulmate and protector of Integra Van Hellsing."

Integra sat motionless from his words. There was a small part of her that was intimidated by his words as they are the first she has ever heard from a suitor. But on the other hand, they seemed to be the words she didn't realize she has been waiting to hear all her life.

Alucard stood up and scooped Integra into his arms. Integra, still deep in thought, was silent and complacent, just leaned her head against his chest to hear... nothing. When this occurred to her, she glanced up at Alucards sharp features as he strode toward the kitchen. Once there, he sat her on the wooden island table, her shirt still open with one nipple covered by the satin fabric and one peaking out at him. Still very sensitive, Intergra felt a warm tingle in her stomach from the fabrics rubbing.

"What would you like?" Alucard asked, pretending not to notice.

Surprised at the change of tone and subject. It appeared Alucard was done with the previous subject, and was now referring to food. Food. Yes, she did need that to survive. It had almost slipped her mind that she needed substance to continue her tedious and trying days. In her past few days and haze, she had almost completely forgotten her day-to-day responsibilities. Silently cursing herself, she straighten her previously slouched posture and too relaxed back to think.

"Perhaps some Shepard pie?" Integra said optimistically. After hearing her own voice out load she questioned herself. When has she gotten so soft? Is that what sex  does to women? Some sort of softening, tranquilizing agent for mind control and submission?!

"What troubles you my love?" Alucard asked, observing her puzzlement.

"Besides this whole unholy ordeal? My morality seeming to be suddenly absent? My lack of simple self control or logic? Well the fact is, I wonder what it is people actually put in this farce of human connection that makes people so damn dimwitted! I mean shit, I am becoming dim myself! What are you doing to me Alucard? Witchcraft?" Integra narrowed her eyes

"Vampire Craft?"

Before her line of thought could continue, she smelled the now warm food and looked down to see Alucards snow hands holding a small plate of Shepard pie and a folk. Alucard simple smirked at her small rant and placed the food next to Integra on the table. She looked at it in a trance as she was hungry but wanted to keep what little resolve she had.

"Why are you soo worried about me eating Alucard? It is certainly none of your concern. I don't concern myself with when you and your pet eat" Integra remarked snarkily.

Ignoring her side comment about Seras and tone and replied simply,

"You will need your strength"

"For what?" Integra questioned managing to make a serious questioning scowl while reaching for the plate and folk as her stomach was  beginning to growl.

Alucards smirk grew, "My unholy Vampire Craft"

Okay so no sexy time this chapter... I know... I suck :,(

BUT I just wanted to make sure I didn't make the Iron Maiden an easy lay.

We all know she has to put up a "fight" even thought she knows she wants it...

And we know she wants it.... and we defiantly know Alucard wants it ^_^

But I don't think Alucard minds the small chase.

He is nearing the finish line anyways ;)

Until Next Time <3

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