Chapter 2

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Louis shook himself awake, sweat and the smell of arousal was almost suffocating. Louis felt the heat recede from his stomach an he realized he had gone into heat and the first wave was over. Memories of his dream left him feeling guilty and dirty. He knew he shouldn't have those kinds of dreams but he couldn't help it. He was in love with the blonde. He used a corner of his sheet to scrape the cum off his stomach.

"Ni?!" Louis yelled, voice raspy. The sound of a moan coming from the wall connecting their rooms caused Louis to get up and run out of his opened door and he started banging on Niall's locked door. "Niall let me in." Louis said calmly, the smell of arousal was growing at an increasing rate and Louis knew Niall had just started his heat.

"Louis!" Niall begged, voice panicked. Louis started pounding on the door, worry consuming him. Niall could be in danger, if his heat was going wrong or he wasn't healthy enough or Niall may be in too much pain. All was a risk if his heat was not take care of properly. Louis could hear the pained whimper leaving his best friend and he was shaking the door, almost in tears as worry and fear ate up his body. He finally broke down the door and found Niall curled in his corner, holding himself in a ball, clutching his stomach

"Niall!! What happened?!" Louis asked while falling down next to his best friend. Niall was sobbing, he was shaking and it all scared Louis.

"It hurts Lou!" Niall cried, he crawled into Louis' lap and Louis could feel everything, he hadn't noticed but they were both naked. Louis pulled away a little bit and saw Niall was bleeding... from both his cock and arse. Louis gasped and instantly looked around for a shirt or something. He saw a shirt that lay a few feet from him, he grabbed it and wrapped it around Niall's bleeding cock, the blond Omega moaned loudly at the need friction. Louis sat up and wrapped Niall in his arms and carried him into his room, he could feel his own heat start to come back and he felt helpless because he knew Niall needed help and he couldn't wait three days for treatment.

Niall whined when the shirt didn't provide enough friction and he started bucking into Louis' hand that was still holding onto Niall's bleeding cock.

The heat rising in Louis' stomach was causing Louis to have a hard time thinking. He knew his saliva could heal any wound on Niall's body because they had the same genders and because male Omegas had a natural healing vitamin in they saliva.

The upcoming heat would only let Louis think of the most intimate way to do things.


Louis took off the now soaked shirt and set the Omegan boy on his bed. He positioned himself over Niall's whimpering body and kissed the tip of Niall's prick. Niall bucked up and Louis', who now had no control of himself, took all of Niall in his mouth. Niall's jaw went slack and his body was on cloud 9. Louis wasn't even focused on healing Niall anymore all he wanted was his best friend to cum. He swirled his tongue, licked the tip and cupped the balls. He bobbed his head deep throating the other boy.

"Uhhh- uhhh L-Louis!" Niall moaned. He looked down, just to make sure it wasn't another one of his dreams and he was rewarded by the lustful eyes that were to real to be in any dream of his. The feeling of Louis' warm, wet, and tight mouth brought Niall over the edge and he cam with a moan of Louis' name.

Louis' mouth came off of Niall's cock with a pop and Louis realized the bleeding had stopped and the wound was gone. Neither knew exactly how their genetics let them heal each other but everyone knew if two people had matching genders, both, they would heal each other. Saliva was the most common way, by licking the wound.

Niall was getting over his wave, after an orgasm the wave fades out. And he started thinking properly. His immediate thought was how sexy looked naked and sweaty. Of course his second was that Louis' heat was controlling him and he didn't want Niall like that. Just as Niall finished that thought Louis crawled over him, ocean eyes staring straight into Niall's blue orbs. Louis leaned down, lips grazing Niall's before actually kissing him.

It was actually both Niall's and Louis' first kisses. Their lips moved in sync and Niall closed his eyes, simply enjoying the warm lips against his own. He just thought he would blame it on his heat, tell Louis his body wanted it but he didn't like Louis in that way.

Niall opened his eyes when he felt Louis's lips leave his, he looked down and watched as Louis sunk lower and as Louis licked a thick strip across Niall's puckering pink hole. Niall withered.

Louis saw the blood still dripping out of the hole and if he weren't in heat he would have been dumbfounded because he had never known of this happening to an Omega. As the heat grew in his stomach and reached down and started pumping himself while sucking at the hole. He pushed his tongue in and Niall was moaning with little curses in between. He was almost in Omega space, he dug his nails into his hand and as the pain filled his palms he felt more normal again.

He kept pushing his nails into his palm because he knew if he stopped he would enter Omega space and he had been waiting for years upon years for this. He wanted to feel everything that happened between him and Louis. He wanted to feel the warm muscle plunging into him repeatedly, he wanted to feel Louis' slight gruff graze against his sensitive inner thighs. He craved the feeling of Louis' small hands gripping onto his waist. His body was withering in pleasure at the way Louis moved, at the way Louis had control despite being an Omega. His body found it gorgeous the way Louis' eyes never went dark with lust but brighter in love. It wasn't only his body that loved Louis, no, he was in love with Louis, Omega or not.

Louis took his tongue out of Niall and stood up, his cock fully hard and leaking with precum. He lined himself up with Niall's hole before looking up and meeting Niall's eyes. Niall was biting his lip, body shaking.

Niall nodded, understanding Louis' silent question. Louis put his tip in and waited for Niall to adjust. After a minute Niall nodded, panting heavily. Louis thrusted in, bottoming out as Niall screamed in pleasure. Digging into his palms as hard as he could.

Niall nodded again and Louis pulled almost all the way out before thrusting in hard. He repeated this at an animalistic pace. Both Omegas' were moaning each others names and panting.

The heat was too much for Louis, the tight walls clenched and un-clenched around his cock and he felt the familiar heat coil in his lower stomach and sink into his balls. Louis thrusted and a cry came from Niall and he knew he had found Niall's prostrate.

He thrusted hard and fast into Niall's prostrate over and over and over and over again. Niall was whimpering, small mews and gasps falling from his swollen red lips. Louis leaned down and started sucking on the pale flesh right below Niall's ear.

The Omega bared his neck, moaning as Louis nipped at the skin. Louis left bruise after bruise on Niall's neck. Niall was whimpering.

"Ahhh-oh.... L-Lou!" Niall gasped, gripping into his palms harder.

"N-Ni!" Louis moaned against the heated flesh, causing a shiver to run down Niall's spine.

"M'clos- LOUIS!" Niall yelled, coming over both their chests.

The hot cum burning his skin and the clenching around Louis' cock had him coming deep within his best friend's beaten hole. He thrusted them through their highs. He pulled out of Niall and collapsed by his friend, snuggling into him instinctively.

Both boys fell asleep within seconds in each others arms.

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